Saturday, September 1, 2012

Food Lectins in Health and Disease: An Introduction

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

In recent years it appears there is a rising epidemic of people suffering from chronic digestive and autoimmune conditions. Food intolerance or sensitivities may lie at the root of the problem. Most people, including doctors, have little clue how foods they eat may be contributing to their chronic illness, fatigue and digestive symptoms.

Food Lectins in Health and Disease: An Introduction

There are, however, a lot of clues in the medical literature and the lay public's experience about how foods are causing and/or contributing to the current epidemic of chronic illness and autoimmune disease. There are several diets being used by many people with varying success to improve their health despite a general lack of iron clad scientific proof for their effectiveness. One of the clues to the cause and relief of food induced illness may lie in proteins known as lectins that are present in all foods.

Animal and plant sources of food both contain complex proteins known as lectins. These proteins typically have the ability to attach to sugars or carbohydrates on the surface of human cells. Some of these proteins can cause clumping of human red blood cells, a process that is called agglutination. The process of agglutination occurs when someone receives the wrong blood type during a blood transfusion. In fact, red blood cell agglutination specific to each person or groups of people is the basis for testing for blood types. There is some data that blood types may influence how people respond to certain foods though a blood type specific diet appears to have been disproven. The attachment or binding of certain food lectins can initiate a variety of cell specific effects. These reactions may mimic hormones or cause changes in cells. This is termed molecular mimicry.

Most plants contain lectins, some of which are toxic, inflammatory, or both. Many of these plant and dairy lectin are resistant to cooking and digestive enzymes. Grain lectins, for example, are quite resistant to human digestion but well suited for ruminants like cattle who have multi-chambered stomachs. Therefore, lectins are present in our food and are often resistant to our digestion and some have been scientifically shown to have significant GI toxicity in humans. Others have been shown to be beneficial and maybe even cancer protecting. Either way plant and animal proteins are foreign proteins to the body and are dealt with by digestion and our immune system in a positive or negative manner.

The human digestive system was created to handle a variety of plant and animal proteins through the process of digestion and elimination. Some plant and animal proteins or lectins are severely toxic to humans and cannot be eaten without causing death like those in Castor beans and some mushrooms. Other foods must be prepared before they are safe to be eaten. Preparations may include pealing, prolonged soaking and cooking like kidney beans. Other foods may be poorly tolerated because of a genetic predisposition or underlying pre-existing food allergy or intolerance. Others are tolerated to some degree or quantity but not in large amounts or on a frequent basis. People who are intolerant to the milk sugar lactose, because of inherited or acquired deficiency in lactase enzyme, may tolerate small amounts but may have severe bloating, gas, abdominal pain and cramps with explosive diarrhea when a large amount of lactose containing foods are eaten. Foods can become intolerable to some people after their immune system changes or gut is injured from another cause.

Of the food lectins, grain/cereal lectins; dairy lectins; and legume lectins (especially peanut lectin and soybean lectin) are the most common ones associated with reports of aggravation of inflammatory and digestive diseases in the body and improvement of those diseases and/or symptoms when avoided. Recent research by Loren Cordain PhD., has suggested that these lectins may effectively serve as a "Trojan horse" allowing intact or nearly intact foreign proteins to invade our natural gut defenses and enter behind the lines to cause damage well beyond the gut, commonly in joints, brain, and skin of affected individuals. Once damage occurs to the gut and the defense system is breached the result is what some refer to as a "leaky gut". Moreover, many people who develop a "leaky gut" not only have gut symptoms such as bloating, gas, diarrhea, and abdominal pain but also other symptoms beyond the gut, or extra-intestinal symptoms. Commonly affected areas are the brain or peripheral nerves, skin, joints, and various body glands. With continued exposure of the gut by these toxic food lectins a persistent stimulation of the body's defense mechanism in a dysfunctional manner, occurs, i.e. autoimmune disease.

Wrong types or levels of good and bad bacteria in the gut, or intestinal dysbiosis, may contribute to this process of abnormal stimulation of the immune system. Research supports the strong possibility that such stimulation may be accentuated by interaction of the bacteria with food lectins. It is believed by some that this may further worsen gut injury and autoimmune disease. This latter concept is gaining acceptance and recognition by doctors in one form as the hygiene theory. It is speculated that our gut bacteria have become altered by increased hygiene and over use of antibiotics and that this phenomenon may be playing a significant role in the rising incidence of autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, and chronic intestinal diseases like Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome.

Lectins as a cause however are largely being ignored in the U.S. though the field of lectinology and lectins role in disease is more accepted internationally. Avoidance of certain food lectins may be helpful in achieving health and healing of chronic gut injury. Healing of a "leaky gut" and avoidance of ongoing abnormal stimulation of the immune system by toxic food lectins and bacteria in the gut is the basis for ongoing research and probable success of several popular diets such as the paleo diet, carbohydrate specific diet and gluten-free/casein-free diet. More research is needed in this exciting but often neglected area. The Food Doc, LLC features a website that will provide physician authored information on food intolerance, sensitivity and allergy such as lectin, gluten, casein, and lactose intolerance with dietary guidance that will feature in the near future an online symptom assessment and diet-diary.

Copyright 2006, The Food Doc, LLC. All rights reserved.

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Paleo Cookbook Review

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

Maybe you are someone that enjoys cooking or perhaps you are just learning how. It is even possible that you are just looking for a few new recipes that you can throw into the mix for something different one night for dinner. Regardless of your reasons, you are also going to want to be able to cook healthy for yourself and for your family. With the collection of Paleo Cookbook not only are you going to be able to cook delicious and healthy meals for your family but you may find that you want to cook in your kitchen more often.

Paleo Cookbook Review

1. Bring The Family Together.

Mealtime should be a time that the family gets together to share their day and maybe even have a few laughs. It can be hard to do that when you are eating foods that are unhealthy for you since you may start to feel over full or even tired. Believe it or not, you can actually make meals that are healthy, nutritious and wonderful tasting that will keep everyone on your home happy and full of energy. Even if you are used to cooking with pasta and bread, the Paleo Cookbook are going to show you a whole new way of creating meals that are without these items that are healthy and better for you. Just think of the weight that you could lose, if this is your goal, just by cutting these out of your diet as well as dairy.

2. All That You Need.

Everything that you need to create and design wonderful meals will be found here. You are going to have recipes that will give you a three course meal in no time flat. There are even wonderful recipes for breakfast such as omelets. Stop eating what you know is bad for you and start eating the right way. When you get the Paleo Cookbook, you are going to have three months to give them a try and see for yourself. The time is now to get fit, trim and healthy so you can have a more active lifestyle than you ever thought possible.

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Friday, August 31, 2012

Achieve the Body You Have Always Dreamed Of By Losing Weight Through The Paleolithic Diet

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

There's always that special occasion we hope to get in shape for before attending. It could be a social gathering, the summer season or just for personal pleasure. Unfortunately, many individuals are so desperate to lose weight that they allow themselves to suffer from extreme hunger, putting their bodies at risk. Others resort to following the food pyramid, sometimes obsessing about eating the precise amount of food servings it recommends for daily intake, such as two to three servings of meat, fish, and poultry, or six to eleven portions of wheat and grains. Sticking to such a tough diet makes it difficult when trying to lose weight, but did you know there is a diet plan that makes it so easy that you don't even have to partake in intense exercise? this simple diet is known as the Paleolithic diet, and it is the weight solution for anyone!

Achieve the Body You Have Always Dreamed Of By Losing Weight Through The Paleolithic Diet

This diet was used not by health care professionals, but by cavemen, more than 2.5 million years ago. In today's modern society, lots of individuals still don't know about this diet, which is unfortunate indeed because it is the food plan that our forefathers ate, and thus one that has genetically fabricated our genetic makeup today. The reason nutritionists point out that you need to feed yourself particular foods like fruits and vegetables is because those were the foods our ancestors and forefathers ate. The Paleolithic diet is crafted to make certain that you eat less food but meet the very important nourishing requirements that your body system needs each day. Due to the fact that you eat less than normal, you end up losing a lot of weight on the Palaeolithic diet, without needing much exercise too.

How is the diet the ultimate resolution for lazy people struggling to decrease body weight?

Well, hundreds to thousand of years ago, cavemen gobbled only what was accessible to them. They were huntsman and gatherers who gathered their foods from hunting meats, natural fruits and veggies, in addition to acquiring nuts and berries in smaller quantity. There were no dairy products available to them like they are to us now. Due to the fact the cavemen were hunter gatherer's they traveled from one place to another, occasionally dwelling in one spot until they ran out of food reserves.

The cavemen were idle people, they didn't engage in intensive exercise routines. As a matter of fact, the times cavemen acquired high bursts of strength and energy was when they were searching for meats and fruits or running away from becoming prey themselves. Usually, they were dozing and resting except for the hours they were gathering food. The cavemen were somewhat healthy and fit, they weren't starving or ill and unhealthy like we imagine because they attained sufficient nutrients from their meals.

By using the Palaeolithic diet to lose weight, you won't be pressured to engage in extensive exercise. It is actually advocated to get involved in as minimum exercise as possible. The foods you eat will be lean meats, fruits, berries and green vegetables as well as a certain amount of nuts and seeds.

The small sum of calories you receive while on this diet will help you to start losing unwanted fat. But rest assured you will still receive the expected amount of amino acids from meats, carbohydrates from fruits/vegetables, and healthy fats and oil from nuts and seeds.

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Bucking the Trend: Why Athletes Are Switching to the Caveman Diet

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

Why are Athletes switching to the caveman diet in droves? There was a time when the majority of professional, elite, and Olympic-level athletes swore by a diet that included a high intake of carbohydrates. For those involved in endurance sports, the practice of carbohydrate loading during the days leading up to competition was believed to be a necessary element to achieve optimal performance. With that being said, many athletes, particularly those at the Olympic and professional levels are ditching their traditional carbohydrate-heavy eating habits for the Caveman Diet.

Bucking the Trend: Why Athletes Are Switching to the Caveman Diet

Before you dismiss the Caveman Diet, which is also known as the Paleo Diet, as being another fad eating plan that will fade away in a few years, you may just want to consider the reasoning behind the dietary change for many of these athletes. In fact, scientific and nutritionist research has found that the Paleo Diet is actually far healthier than what some consider a traditional diet. Studies have shown that the Paleo Diet may significantly decrease the risk of diet-based conditions and diseases, such as Diabetes and Heart Disease. Furthermore, many athletes are finding that, by following this diet, they are recovering faster, and demonstrating greater endurance and strength during both training and competition.

How Does the Caveman Diet Benefits Athletes?

It is often asked how this Paleo Diet, which essentially mimics the diet of those that lived as far back as 2.5 million years ago, can possibly be beneficial to modern-day athletes. While there is certainly justification in debating that question, the truth is that the Paleo Diet not only benefits athletes throughout the training and competition process, but it also improves their health in the long term. The benefits have been highlighted through the research of Dr. Loren Cordain, and elite trainer Joe Friel. According to Cordain and Friel, the Caveman Diet increases muscle development, reduces soreness, and speeds up the healing process following workouts. Because the diet is very high in nutrients, it also provides for an optimal long-term recovery from both traditional workouts, and also injury.

Is The Caveman Diet Recommended for All Athletes?

With Olympic-level athletes such as swimmer Amanda Beard making the switch to the Caveman Diet, some have questioned if the diet is also recommended for athletes at far lower levels of competition. The answer is that the Caveman Diet is absolutely recommended for all athletes, though it may vary depending on the type of sport in which the athlete competes. Regardless of the level of competition, athletes that wish to follow the Caveman Diet should remove processed foods from their diet. This is because the body finds natural foods to be much easier to digest than processed foods. The intake of grains, such as wheat and rice, should also be moderately reduced in favor of fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Finally, lean meats and fish should be included in every meal in order to increase the body's intake of lean proteins, omega-3s, and healthy fats. By making such dietary changes, athletes at all levels and abilities will see an improvement in their performance, and more importantly, will feel an improvement in their overall health and well-being. The basis of the Cave man Diet may go back millions of years, but more and more of today's top athletes are now following its recommended eating habits, as they've come to realize just how much it can improve their performance.

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Paleo Foods - The Diet Which Will Make One Strong and Lean

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

There are a number of people who go on different diet plans to stay in good shape and look good. However, most of these diet plans do more harm to the body than doing good and hence they end up causing more health issues. Nowadays a lot of people are following the Paleo diet which is known to show effect without harming the body.

Paleo Foods - The Diet Which Will Make One Strong and Lean

The word Paleo is derived from the word Paleolithic and this paleo diet is also known as the ancestor diet. The reason for this is that this diet uses the recipes used during that era which is roughly about 2.5 million years ago. It is a well known fact that our ancestors were extremely healthy and strong and at the same time lean as well. This is mainly because of their diet and their way of life.

Shifting to a Paleo diet will make significant changes in the way one eats and also make a significant change in the metabolism. These foods will mainly include raw foods and hence boost the metabolism which will result in weight loss. At the same time following a regular exercise regime will help tone the muscles and help one become leaner as well as stronger.

The Paleo diet is healthy because it is packed with healthy natural ingredients and hence very healthy. Most often than not people end up snacking on high fat foods and sugary foods which end up getting stored as fat and this makes one overweight. With the paleo diet and the raw foods one get the necessary nutrients and the fresh veggies and fruits show their benefits well. But yes all this has to be coupled up with proper exercise only then will diet show proper effect. The best thing about this diet plan is that it does not devoid the body of any nutrients and provides a complete balanced nutrition.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Do You Have a Gluten Or Wheat Intolerance?

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

If you suffer from Gluten or Wheat intolerance and you are looking for recipes that are GF as well as want to eat a healthy diet whereby you can lose weight at the same time and become more energetic. You can start cooking tasty and healthy Paleo meals which are simple and easy to prepare. There are hundreds of different recipes available in the Paleolithic recipe book which are available online. In addition there are also sets of these cookbooks available which are being snapped up fast.

Do You Have a Gluten Or Wheat Intolerance?

The modern Paleo diet is gluten, dairy and soy free. This diet consists of lean meat, fish, poultry, fresh fruit and vegetables as well as nuts. This diet excludes legumes, dairy, grains, refined sugar, salt, preservatives and processed foods. You can still enjoy a hearty meal although the food is prepared slightly differently and at the same time will reduce your gluten and wheat intolerance.

Many people around the world suffer from celiac disease which is an auto immune disease that is triggered by gluten. Gluten is a protein which is found in grains such as barley, wheat and rye and other such grains. The lining of the small intestines become inflamed when gluten is ingested and will cause the person to suffer from diarrhea, bloating, abdominal gas, stomach cramps and weight loss. Once gluten is removed from your diet, the intestinal lining heals automatically.

Those that suffer from gluten intolerance should adhere to a gluten free diet for the rest of their lives. Due to grains being used in most foods a gluten free diet is not that easy to maintain. This is a hereditary condition and the disease is common in those with a Celtic and Scandinavian background. Here are some of the foods which are safe to eat and that are Gluten free such as arrowroot, buckwheat, corn, flax, flour which is made from seeds, nuts and beans, lean meat, fish and poultry. Fresh fruit and vegetables, potato, potato flour, rice, sago, rice bran, sorghum, distilled liquor and wine as well as ciders.

This diet is commonly referred to as a hunter gather diet as for thousands of years people ate fish, poultry and meat, vegetables, roots, seeds, and fruit and these foods were usually eaten raw. No dairy products were eaten during these times either. However, the modern Paleo diet the food is now cooked which eliminates any toxins and of course cooking makes the food edible.

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Monday, August 27, 2012

Your 'New' Old Fashioned Diet - Paleo Recipies

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

Living the 'Old Fashioned' Way

Your 'New' Old Fashioned Diet - Paleo Recipies

Great grandma baked her own bread and grew her own vegetables. She canned what she grew for winter's consumption and when there was chicken for dinner, it came from the shed in the back yard. She didn't have a huge grocery bill because she made all the food from things she raised and grew. She raised chickens for their meat and eggs. The family cow provided her with milk, cream and butter. The children were sent to the woods for blueberries for pies. An apple tree and maybe a peach or pear tree also provided the ingredients for pies and jam. If she needed pocket money, she sold some of the eggs or vegetables she didn't need.

Grandma never dieted a day in her life. She had no 'labor-saving' devices and had to prepare all the meals from scratch. She also maintained a slim figure well into old age. By her standards, we have it soooo easy.

And because we have it easy, we eat too much, we don't get enough exercise, and we complain all the time.

When I was in my 20's and 30's I could eat several thousand calories a day and still lose weight. Today I have to watch every mouthful and I still have trouble with my weight. This isn't only because I exercise less, but most of the food I purchase has been processed in one or more ways.

Cattle and chickens are fed processed feeds; plants are chemically fertilized and fruit and vegetables picked long before they are ripe, and then exposed to gasses to ripen them.

When was the last time you had a peach or an apple as large as a softball... juicy and flavorful; or an orange picked from the tree in the evening and refrigerated, squeezed in the morning for breakfast. Salad picked fresh from the garden, tomatoes still warm from the sun. Sweet corn should be eaten within 12 hours of being picked, preferably it should be picked and eaten within 6 hours. How long before you bought your corn do you imagine it was picked? Out of season it could have been 2 or more days... all the nutrients are gone.

Farm stands offer an alternative to the supermarket. The vegetables are naturally grown and you can purchase as much or as little as you need. For the shopper who wants the best quality early morning is the best time to buy. There's no substitute for fresh sweet corn on the cob.

Today you can also find plans for a 'pocket garden' on your patio or porch. Hanging planters and window boxes offer a way to provide some fresh vegetables for the city dweller. Gardens can provide not only beauty but health as well.

I have found some ideas that you could use to improve your diet and health. For those of you that have never tried growing vegetables, a new experience awaits you. And if you don't succeed at first... try again. It's worth it... trust me.

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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Do's and Don'ts of Paleo Diet

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

When we talk about the Paleo Diet, many people wonder what kind of foods they ought to eat and which kind of foods are strictly prohibited. Essentially, the Paleo weight loss plan stresses the intake of fresh fish, lean meat, along with other seafood, fruits and veggies. Due to the several limitations of this diet plan, you will find that it lowers the rates of your bad fats, sugar as well as sodium.

Do's and Don'ts of Paleo Diet

Agricultural products like grains, dairy products as well as processed foods aren't permitted. Lean meat should come from healthy animal sources.. Even though many favored to consume raw meat, you may prepare meat by grilling, steaming or broiling. Meat must not be fried. Seafood such as cod, fish and shrimp will also be ideally eaten raw. However, you can prepare them the same way as lean meat.

Fresh fruits and veggies are the best when it comes to Paleo weight loss plan. It doesn't include yams, potatoes and root crops. Beans along with other legumes are as well prohibited. This applies to foods made from beans, such as soy products and tofu. Grains like wheat, oats, rice and barley are not permitted as well. While beans is not allowed in Paleo Diet, this plan promotes an increase of consumption of nuts. Using the notable exception of peanuts (that are legumes); you need to eat much more of walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, chestnuts, pecans, just to name a few.

The Paleo weight loss plan also limits consumption of salt and vinegar as well as yeast and fermented or pickled foods. Rather than using salt, make use of substitutes that are rich in sodium content, for example celery. Vinegar is preferably replaced with lime or lemon juice. This diet plan advocates using all-natural seasonings. These for example, would be cayenne, chili powder, powdered garlic, oregano as well as lemon pepper.

Refined and processed sugars are strictly disallowed in Paleo Diet. Rather, you need to eat much more foods containing natural sugars, for example fruits and veggies. Great natural sugar sources include honey and maple syrup. You may also use natural alternative sweetening like nutmeg, vanilla and cinnamon. In the same way, you need to just use oils that are natural when cooking. Don't use hydrolyzed fats and processed cooking oils. Rather, use more healthy options like essential olive oil, avocado oil, canola oil and flax seed oil.

Paleo weight loss plan doesn't just urge you to definitely eat healthy. Additionally, it includes a workout plan which will help you slim down and improve your state of health. It is crucial you have the entire Paleo Diet Food List to make certain that you'd be aware of specific kind of foods permitted along with the options of prohibited foods.

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Friday, August 24, 2012

Paleo Vs Vegan

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

It is difficult to read a magazine, turn on the TV, or search the web these days, and not come across an ad for "the next big thing" in the health and fitness field. "Miracle" weight loss pills, and "Scientific Breakthrough" equipment are other terms attention grabbing terms make it difficult to detect the quality information from the hype.

Paleo Vs Vegan

Two of the most common trends right now are the vegan and paleo diets. While these diets do have some similarities, there are also very major differences. Both claim to be the most effective ways to lose weight, and live a healthy lifestyle. Let's look at the similarities and differences.

The main focus of the vegan diet, which for many is more of a lifestyle, is that they do not consume any animal products. While vegetarians simply do not eat meat, vegans will not eat products including eggs or dairy. It is a very restrictive diet, and vegans often struggle to find adequate protein sources. There are options out there though, and many vegans are able to get all of their nutrients without meat, eggs or dairy. The vegan diet typically consists largely of fruits and vegetables, along with grains.

The paleo diet has a major difference from the vegan diet, in that it has a large focus on meat consumption. This solves the protein issue that many vegans run into, but does that make it better? Paleos also have a large focus on fruits and vegetables, although many of them focus more on the fruits than vegetables. This is often because of the sugar in many fruits, and the effects that is has on blood sugar and insulin levels. Vegetables tend to score lower on the glycemic index, while many fruits score high. With the GI, lower scores are better. Foods that score a 55 or less are considered low glycemic, and are ideal for weight loss, maintaining level blood sugar, and helping control diabetes. So what don't people using the paleo diet eat? Grains. No bread, pasta, or other grain products. The theory behind this diet is that our bodies are more designed to work like they did before people farmed. The main problem that people face with the paleo diet is a lack of complex carbs. These carbs can be found in fruit, which is why people tend to restrict fruit intake, but not eliminate it.

Both diets consist of fruits and vegetable intake, but one avoids, not only meat, but all animal products. The other has meat consumption as a main part of the diet. How can both claim to be the best way to go when they are so different. The answer as to why both work for weight loss is actually very simple. Both diets eliminate high sugar, heavily processed foods. In a world where the obesity rate is rising year after year, the focus needs to be less on "miracle" diets, and more on eating healthy. I do not believe that either diet is "better" than the other. The important thing is that you are avoiding the "bad" stuff, and getting all of your nutrients. This can be difficult with restrictive diets, but it is possible.

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Why Go Paleo?

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

Okay you may be wondering what the point of going on a paleolithic diet is. Heck you may even be wondering what on earth the diet involves. This is where I come in. I used to be like most people in the west, Fat, Unhealthy and tired all the time. That was until one day I decided to take action. I thought that life can't be this hard. Why are some people living busy lives yet are able to keep their bodies in prime condition while others struggle to maintain the balance.

Why Go Paleo?

It was a question that prompted me to search and find the answer. And I did. I was sceptical at first as it was based on ideas that weren't conventional, like eating six small meals a day etc. But it wasn't anything too drastic or out of the ordinary and so I jumped on the wagon thinking that I had nothing to lose by trying it out. And It was the best decision that I had ever made. Within 3 weeks I had effortlessly stripped 15 pounds of unwanted fat from my body. I was eating delicious food and best of all I was always full and satisfied.

So called healthy diets that I had tried in the past always resulted in me starving and struggling to get through the day. And the result a few pounds being shed off that usually ended up returning once I couldn't take it anymore. It makes sense, even though I was sceptical at first. Our ancestors eat all natural things such as meat and vegetables, berrys and nuts. This allowed them to thrive and remain effortlessly fit.

The same however is not true in today's society. Most of the food we find in supermarkets today, didn't exist 50 years ago, let alone 10,000 years ago just before the agricultural revolution. So do you want to feel energetic, thrive through your days, remain full and satisfied at all times, while eating delicious foods? Then I would recommend that you go primal and start enjoying foods that nature intended you to eat.

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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Do Modern Humans Still Require Paleo Foods - It's a Metabolism Issue

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

Since the dawn of human history on this earth, we have thrived on those foods that are available to us in nature. In every culture and every location around the world, humans have survived and been healthy living on the meats they hunted for and plant foods that grew nearby. Hunter-gatherers, our Paleolithic ancestors subsisted on what we now call low glycemic foods. We know humans have survived and thrived this way since the beginning of time. So why is it that so many people are not thriving and healthy now in such an environment of abundance?

Do Modern Humans Still Require Paleo Foods - It's a Metabolism Issue

At some point humans started to settle down into communities and began to farm. This was the point at which grains became more a part of our diet as well as dairy foods. It wasn't so much the introduction of grains that caused the problem, as it was that someone noticed if they sifted all the fibers out of the flour it made nice soft flour. This was the beginning of refined foods. Soon processing certain plants gave us sugar and we gained easier access to salt. From that point, the necessity and convenience of food preservation became something of an art form. Which brought us to our current unhealthy state of affairs.

All of the processing and refining, the additives, preservatives and packaging may be what we are used to. But too many of the good things in food are destroyed or removed by all that manipulation. Only food in it's natural fresh state, still rich in vitamins and antioxidants, enzymes, fiber and basic nutrients will help rebuild cells, strengthen the immune system and help our body produce hormones to regulate how it all works.

Many health problems begin because of the food we are eating. It's a metabolism issue. Metabolism, simply explained is when the body takes the food we eat and uses it to create energy. That energy then is used to build and maintain muscle and heal and restore the cells. It is also used to support involuntary processes like breathing, digestion, sensory functions and the brains coordination of all of those activities. If all of that energy is not used, for instance when you eat more than you burn through movement, your body will store it as fat.

The good news is that no matter what condition your body is in today, no matter what your age, you can take steps to improve the health of your metabolism and lose excess fat. It's as simple as not eating more calories than what you use. For most of us our choice of what foods we eat is the most important thing we can do to keep a healthy metabolism. In today's fast food world it's very easy to take in a lot more food energy, or calories than what most people could ever use. It's so easy to quickly run out for lunch and go to a drive through. It's fast, easy and most of the time pretty tasty.

But doing that every day when you work or are going to school, can catch up with you very quickly and before you know it you have put on weight and don't feel as good as you would like to. At the end of the day you feel tired and probably don't have the energy you need to finish up your daily activities, let alone go out for a run or to the gym. As you age, even as early as in your 20's, you will feel this effect even more because you are damaging your metabolism with low quality food. Your body needs more than just fuel to keep running efficiently. It needs the right fuel combined with daily activity to maintain muscle and good circulation of oxygen and nutrients to all your cells.

When you decide to make healthier choices your body will thank you by having more energy, fewer aches and pains because of less inflammation, and as a result not as many sick days. The very foundation of human health begins with choosing foods that release energy slowly into the system. These foods are also known as low glycemic foods. They help to sustain energy levels and increase our ability to be active and maintain that activity for longer periods.

When given the proper nutrients, combined with regular exercise the body can overcome or at least greatly improve many degenerative conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, obesity and heart disease. It has the ability to fight off the beginnings of other diseases as well on it's own. It can regenerate and repair external injuries to a large degree and become stronger if we will just provide what it needs to be healthy.

So choose a diet made up largely of a good variety of fresh fruits and vegetables and unsalted and unroasted nuts. When possible use meats from organically raised animals that are grass fed (as opposed to grain fed) free-range chicken and eggs, wild game and cold water North Atlantic fish. Cattle and other herd animals that are grass fed have a higher ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 fats in their meat, which is healthier for humans than grain fed meats.

For those who choose to be vegan, the best protein sources are tofu, tempeh and brown rice and pea proteins. Avoid textured vegetable proteins and seitan (wheat based gluten meat substitutes) because they are highly processed and quite often high in sodium. Also many people are sensitive to gluten. When foods are in their natural state they are healthier, so avoid food that is processed in any way at production facilities. Also, if desired, eat small amounts of legumes and whole grain products in moderation because they tend to increase inflammation.

For lacto-ovo vegetarians, try to get good quality, free-range chicken eggs, and low fat dairy products from grass fed cows that were raised without bovine growth hormones (BGH) and antibiotics. Studies have shown a connection between BGH and cancers in humans. Most grocery stores now carry these products as demand grows.

And for everyone, get moving! Slow, steady movement throughout the day is beneficial. Even standing has been proven to be better for you than sitting. So if you work at a desk job just get up and move around periodically if possible. Then every day, even if you are just starting out with exercise, do a minimum of at least 20 minutes of walking. After a few weeks, increase your pace and minutes. This will increase circulation of oxygen and nutrients in your body and help your get rid of toxins.

Working out with weights or anything that helps you build muscle will help you to burn fat. The more you can increase the muscle to fat ratio on your body the better you will get rid of excess fat. Muscle burns calories even when you are at rest, which is just another way of saying you have sped up your metabolism. Another perk of building muscle is that muscle takes up less space, so when you replace fat with muscle you look thinner, even though it won't show as a weight loss on the scale. You will notice that your clothes fit more loosely even if you haven't lost weight.

So, exercise in combination with eating a healthier diet will begin to make you feel better, sleep more soundly, your mood will be improved and you will think more clearly. Healthy metabolism is the key to having better health and in turn a better life.

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Monday, August 20, 2012

Paleo Diet Information: Why the Caveman Diet Is Good for Your Health

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

A lot of diet regimens are being created by nutritionists and diet experts from time to time. These diet programs not only aim to help people in their search for a healthy lifestyle but it also reminds them that indeed, they need to be healthy and stop abusing their bodies. One of the proven effective diet programs out there is the Paleo caveman diet. If you are after a healthy lifestyle and a fitter, stronger body, then you should get as much Paleo diet information as you can.

Paleo Diet Information: Why the Caveman Diet Is Good for Your Health

The Paleo Diet: What it is in a Nutshell?

The main selling point of the Paleo diet is how it can make one as strong and as healthy as the cavemen gatherers and hunters who walked the earth millions of years ago. This diet involves the elimination of any food that the cavemen did not eat in their time.

Why should you follow the caveman diet? Why can you not eat everything that is currently available in the market?

The Paleo caveman diet is not just another fad diet. It is actually backed by scientific studies and proofs. Essentially, when the world changed and evolved, the human genes did not evolve along. According to the developers of this diet, the human genes take millions of years before it can become accustomed to a new eating lifestyle. This is the reason why food allergies manifest in some people. Processed and packaged foods have already been modified to the extent that it can no longer be processed well by the body - essentially, it will not help your body at all, according to the principles of Paleo diet.

To simplify, the Paleo diet encourages the consumption of foods that the cavemen ate in their time. These are foods that were naturally available - those that were obviously edible. They did not know how to farm, breed and milk animals and process their food in general. Thus, they only consumed what they know are edible. Their bodies, as products of evolution, were constructed in a way that it can receive and process the foods available in nature. Therefore, since humans today still have the same genetic structure as their human ancestors who lived hundreds of thousands of years ago, they are supposed to eat what the first humans ate to get ultimate strength and health.

Paleo Foods

The Paleo diet essentially takes you back to the basics. If you already understand the idea behind this diet, you might have already thought of what foods can you actually consume when you are on this diet.

Cavemen of the Paleolithic Era were hunters and gatherers. They hunted game animals and caught poultry and seafood. However, since they did not know of animal husbandry yet, they did not milk the animals. Meanwhile, they ate eggs as well but only at a minimal rate. If you are to follow the caveman diet, it would be best if you can consume meat from livestock and poultry that were bred and fed naturally. The same goes with seafood, too.

The cavemen also ate fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Virtually all fruits are allowed in the diet, but if you are after weight loss, you might want to minimize your intake of sweet fruits. Meanwhile, all vegetables aside from starchy ones such as potato and sweet potato are also allowed. Nuts and seeds that are naturally available can also be consumed.

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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Paleo Meal, Return To The Foods Your Metabolism Remembers

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

The Paleo Diet is not actually a diet but a return to the basic foods of our ancestors, the Caveman. The paleo meal consists of a lean meat or fish entree, prepared fresh vegetables, followed by fresh fruit. The paleo diet is easy to follow because it is basic food that is fresh. Processed or genetically engineered foods nor dairy was a part of the caveman diet and of course neither were soft drinks. Many changes in our diet have taken place since the era of the caveman and none so drastic as moving from the diverse diet that once allowed us to live a disease free life to that of the agricultural era. About 10,000 years ago the age of the diverse natural diet or the Paleo Meal saw a big change. Man decided that instead of hunting and gathering that he would build a house grow his own foods and no longer roam the land foraging for his food. Along with this life came a complete change in his diet because his only food was what he grew and could get in trade.

Paleo Meal, Return To The Foods Your Metabolism Remembers

Manual labor and limited space caused a diverse diet to be confined to foods such as wheat, corn, barley, and oats. This limited diet caused vitamin deficiencies and consequently their health was affected. Many people died mostly from diseases that were a consequence of their diet. One of these diseases was scurvy, which is a deficiency of vitamin C. This disease wiped out villages and left ghost ships sailing the open seas because whole crews would be wiped by this disease. Ship mates would be talking with other crew members and literally die in mid sentence. This of course made transporting trade goods for long distances impossible.

After the discovery that fruits such as oranges and limes could combat this disease, scientists of that era began recognizing the importance of a diverse diet. Eventually apples became a mainstay for ships crew because they could be stored for longer periods and consequently longer trips could be made. British sailors were required, besides their ration of run, to also draw a ration of lime juice for drinking with their rum. Because of this lime ration, British sailors were given the nickname "limies."

Throughout history there have been many incidences that have caused science to look at our diets and recognize the need for a more diverse diet. Somewhere along the way instead of trying to improve our diet the emphasis changed to how to extend the life of our foods. Maybe it was the fear of a food shortage that caused science to start tampering with genetics and adding chemicals to our foods to preserve their shelf life or maybe it was just basic greed.

We are now living in a society that raises animals that do not even resemble the animals that our ancestors ate. The animals of the caveman era were lean and muscle bound and could fight or flee, some of our modern animals have been so genetically altered that they can no longer walk let alone run.

Our processed foods are so laced with chemicals and artificially created that we have to look at the picture on the box to see what the product is supposed to be. Our drinks contain so much refined sugar and chemical additives that our liver doesn't know what to do with it. We have become a society that eats with our taste buds, if it doesn't taste good than it is "gross" and we won't eat it. Doctor your food with refined sugar, sodium nitrate (salt), MSG, butter, cheese, sour cream, and a million other artificial coloring and flavors and its fit to eat. Nutrition means nothing, we look on the box to see how many calories it contains and if it is "low carb" then we have found something "healthy."

So what is the alternative? The Paleo Diet is the alternative and even though it is not actually a diet you will lose weight. It places you back in touch with your metabolism by providing the food that your body, by its gene poll, has been programmed to digest and readily use.

As an experiment, substitute your evening meal for a Paleo meal for a period of two weeks. You will not have to starve yourself or empty out your pantry to do this experiment. Your body will begin rebuilding and in a few days you will be sleeping better, wake up more alert, and have a renewed vitality, and all of this will take place by simply adding one Paleo meal to your diet. Check out other articles and recipes on the Paleo Diet and see what more to expect.

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Friday, August 17, 2012

Paleo Health Benefits - Four Reasons to Eat Like A Caveman

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

The first two questions many people ask before attempting the Paleo diet are, "Is this diet healthy?" and "What are some Paleo health benefits?" To answer the first question, it is safe and is not harmful to your overall health in any way. In fact, the Paleo diet can actually be quite beneficial to your health.

Paleo Health Benefits - Four Reasons to Eat Like A Caveman

Otherwise known as the Stone Age diet, the Paleo diet follows the idea that the foods the cavemen ate were natural and better for our bodies to digest and process. Today's foods are far from natural as they are genetically modified, laden with chemicals, and often processed beyond recognition. The food industry has become a science lab with our bodies being the guinea pigs for their new food "creations."

If you think about it, row upon row of the foods at the grocery store all essentially look the same. The popular documentary "Food, Inc." points out that most foods in the grocery store aisles are just corn masked and created to look and taste like other foods. Corn is made into high fructose corn syrup and it finds its way into cereals, barbecue sauce, dressings, soda, and even breads.

Choosing to eat foods from the Paleo plan can help your body to recover from the onslaught of unhealthiness that has overtaken our plates. While it might be difficult for some, the benefits of changing your diet are numerous.Here are some health benefits that are often associated with the Paleo diet.

Weight loss: Because you are only eating natural, unprocessed foods, your body is able to digest them quickly and use the nutrients. The foods contained in this eating plan are extremely beneficial for weight loss and many people who try the Paleo diet will experience some form of weight loss.

Reduces Diabetes: The Paleo diet contains non-processed foods, low fat foods, and does not contain foods with high sugar content. Therefore, your risk to develop diabetes is greatly reduced to an extremely low percent.

Removes toxins: Processed foods found in fast food or snack food contains many chemicals and ingredients that build up in our digestive system. The Paleo diet helps improve digestion and in turn, removes the buildup of waste and toxins that have accumulated in the intestines, kidneys, and stomach.

Overall better feeling: Because of the healthy nature of the Paleo diet, most people have noted that they experience a much better overall feeling after a short period of time. This better feeling includes a person having more energy, a higher productivity level, and increased focus both at work and home.

With all these Paleo health benefits, everybody should try to follow the Paleo diet. While you do not get to enjoy the delicious sweet treats, pizza, or beer, there are still plenty of tasty foods you can eat that will provide you with everything you need.

The Paleo diet is extremely safe and will benefit you and your overall wellbeing. If you are still unsure about trying this age-old eating style, then talk to your doctor. Chances are your doctor will tell you the same thing - the Paleo diet is safe and is good for your health.

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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Snack Ideas For The Caveman Diet

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

The Paleolithic diet, also known as the Paleo diet, is a dietary approach that is modeled after the stone age "caveman" food consumption. While practicing this diet, one generally focuses on eating meat, fish, fruit and vegetables. It also includes roots and nuts, but there are exclusions. There are no grain, dairy products, legumes or refined sugar and processed oils. This means that many snacks are automatically disqualified in this diet plan.

Snack Ideas For The Caveman Diet

While there are many items that are not included in the Paleo diet, there are simple things you can keep on hand to eat. Simple planning takes the guesswork out of snack foods on the Paleo diet plan.


There are many types of fruit and nut combinations that you can choose from. Many of these are even made into "eat on the go" bars, eliminating the need to prep food. While having pre-made snacks at home makes it easy to get a quick snack, you can also purchase a wide range of fruits and nuts and mix your own snacks. There are an endless array of combinations, with nuts such as pistachios or macadamias, or more traditional choices such as almonds and pecans, along with all types of dried fruits. You can use honey as a binding ingredient to create your own bars, or simply keep a mix in a baggie for a quick snack.


The Paleo diet is an opportunity to explore new vegetables, as well as to consume your favorites. Keep multiple choices on hand, such as fresh tomatoes, carrots, peppers, asparagus, zucchini, mushrooms, cauliflower, and squash. These can be eaten fresh, or quickly stir fried for an easy snack. New combinations can be created and used in unique ways.


While fruit intake is supposed to be kept minimal on the Paleo diet, it is fine in moderation. Many fruits are delicious eaten fresh, while many prefer to add some honey for a dessert snack. Ideas for fruits include apples, strawberries, kiwi, bananas and grapes. When purchasing produce, make sure that you consider the shelf life so you don't waste food. One way to make sure your fruit does not spoil is to purchase frozen fruits with a combination of fruits. This is an economically good choice for fruit long term, and the fruit can be thawed in about an hour, or quickly placed in the microwave.


Since the three main foods included in the Paleo diet are eggs, meat and vegetables, then making quiche in bulk and freezing some "mini quiches" are a great way to have a quick snack, or even a full meal. This is a time saver if you make your quiche all at once and simply take a snack out when needed, and adds a delicious snack to your list of options.

There are many other food ideas for snacks while on the Paleo diet. You are limited only by your creativity. The best way to find good snacks is to read up on some recipe ideas, and then keep ingredients on hand. When on any diet, the best chances of success are planning and purpose.

The Paleo diet has been a choice for diets for almost forty years, based on the fact that our bodies haven't changed since the caveman era. The food choices reflect what was eaten at the dawn of mankind, and even today, leaving out the preservatives and eating fresh, healthy food choices makes sense for many reasons.

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Grape Diet - Cleanse Your Body and Lose Weight

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

The grape diet is a safe, natural way to lose between 5-10 pounds in 5 or 6 days.

The Grape Diet - Cleanse Your Body and Lose Weight

This is not just another of those fad diets that keep cropping up, it's about the grape diet which is a proven and exceptional way of losing weight quickly and getting healthy. You may already be familiar with this method of losing weight because it has been around for quite some time now.

Basil Shackleton wrote about The Grape Cure after suffering from kidney failure. In pain for the best part of 40 years, he discovered that simply by eating nothing but grapes, his deteriorating kidney was restored.

So where does the weight loss come in?

Well, really it was a side effect of his "grape treatment." Skackleton wrote that he ate nothing but grapes for three weeks, and never felt better in his life. He proclaimed that if you eat only grapes for five days, you will lose at least 5lbs.

The world got to know of the amazing health benefits of grapes by Johanna Brandt, who publicised The Grape Cure in 1926 in the United States, after spending some time in South Africa. Her publication highlighted the nutritional and healing qualities of grapes, which She used to treat her own cancer.

Since then the grape diet has been used in many countries around the world, not only as a natural way to lose weight fast, but for detoxing the body as well. The success of the grape cure diet is mainly due to the grape skins and seeds.

The skins contain Resveratrol, a natural aid for weight loss, and the grape seed extract contains nutrients that help clean the blood and kidneys, fight cancer, arthritis, and are good for the heart. Modern science supports these claims, and people who have tried the grape diet reported weight loss, feeling better, having more energy, and needing less sleep.

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Monday, August 13, 2012

Easy Diet to Follow - The Calorie Shifting Diet

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

Are you looking for an easy diet to follow? Well, I've got news for you: There is no such thing as an "easy" weight loss plan. Well, easy is a relative term. Easier than what?

Easy Diet to Follow - The Calorie Shifting Diet

Dieting is definitely not easier than eating whatever you want (unless what you want is perfectly in line with only what is good for you). All diet plans require some level of effort, or modification of your existing eating habits. Let's face it. After all, it is your present eating habits that got you to become overweight in the first place.

Many popular diets require you to sacrifice something in order to achieve weight loss. There are low-calorie diets. There are low-carbohydrate diets. There are low-fat diets. There are low-sodium and low-cholesterol diets. Each one of these types of diets is based on the theory that excessive weight gain is the result of one identifiable culprit - the calorie, or the carbohydrate, or fat, or sodium, or cholesterol, and that by reducing that one element from your diet, you will achieve rapid and sustainable weight loss. Rapid yes, but sustainable? That is another story.

For many people, these diets become relegated to "fad diet" status. Like any fad, these weight loss plans have all been hailed at one time or another as the key that unlocks the mystery of weight gain and provides the end-all be-all solution to weight loss. This is because we are creatures of habit. Sacrificing the foods that we crave makes dieting very difficult and, more often than not, it causes many would-be dieters to give in to their cravings, to cheat on their diet, or to just throw in the towel because it is just too difficult to sustain this diet beyond a few weeks.

One such alternative to these "fad diets" is what is known as a calorie-shifting diet. This type of diet represents an extremely radical departure from the aforementioned diets above in that you are not sacrificing any type of food, nor are you sacrificing on the quantity of food.

This "no-sacrifice" diet works on the principle of "calorie-shifting". Calorie shifting is based on the premise that by shifting the types of calories you eat at different times of day, you can trigger a metabolic response in your body that will result in rapid weight loss.

This easy weight loss plan allows you to eat comfortably from each of the food groups for four meals a day. The difference is that you may only eat certain types of foods at certain times of the day. Your menu also varies on a daily basis. You will not feel deprived of any foods. You feel satisfied as you eat because there is no restriction on the quantity of the food that you eat. Plus you are eating a healthy balance of every food group.

What defines an "easy diet to follow"? Obviously it does not mean easy to follow instructions. If that were the case, the low-carb diet would be classified as "easy". But if you ask any carb lover if a low-carb diet is easy, he or she would tell you otherwise! What defines an "easy diet to follow" is the ease with which you, as the dieter, are capable of carrying yourself throughout the day without feeling cravings due to dissatisfaction or lingering hunger. When you are able to eat fatty foods, foods with carbohydrates, and not worry about reducing quantity, then you would be able to sustain the motivation to maintain the diet.

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Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Secret Healthy Paleo Diet - Lose Weight With This Program Five Million Years in the Making

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

According to archeological studies, Paleolithic men were said to be strong and agile. As compared to modern men, they were not heavy-weight, if you use modern standards. They were also free from degenerative diseases known in our time, such as diabetes, osteoporosis, and cardiac disorders. The secret was revealed to be simple. Their overall fitness and health were due to their easy-paced lifestyle and the food they ate.

The Secret Healthy Paleo Diet - Lose Weight With This Program Five Million Years in the Making

Today, this regimen is otherwise known as the Paleo diet. It is also otherwise known as the caveman's, the stone age, or the hunter-gatherer's diet. This nutritional program uses the same type of food that was eaten during the age of the Paleolithic men 10,000 years ago. It focuses on the ordinary food that you eat every day. Most of the components are inclusive of meat, seafood, eggs, fresh and dried fruits, raw vegetables, unsweetened almond milk, nuts and seeds, coconut milk, water, oils from plants, and other beverages.

Here is a list of the positive effects that this program can do for your body:

o It can lead you to lose a lot of pounds and aids in the process of weight control.
o It can help lessen the risk associated with obesity such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, anti- immune diseases, colorectal cancer, and osteoporosis.
o It also helps prevent acne, myopia, and depression.
o It can help stop diseases related to mineral and vitamin deficiency.

Other known pros of the regimen are the following:

o It is very high in nutrients, thus you have a minimal need to take in supplements for vitamins and minerals.
o It is proven to be very easy and simple to follow.
o Unlike other regimens, it encourages that you need to perform physical activities because this will enable your body to increase the intake of amino acids and this will also provide omega-6 and omega-3. It will also help in lowering the acidity in your body.

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Friday, August 10, 2012

7 Day Diet Plan - The Cabbage Soup Diet

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

If you want to lose weight with a 7 day diet plan then you can chose the cabbage soup diet. Like the name of the diet suggests, the diet is over 7 days and is only a temporary weight program and should be terminated after 7 days. This particular diet is ideal for rapid weight loss for special events like weddings, vacations etc.

7 Day Diet Plan - The Cabbage Soup Diet

With the cabbage soup diet, you may eat/drink as much cabbage soup, fruit and drink as much caffeine and tea as you wish but little else. Other foods types are permitted but are minimal or very restricted. The reason that this diet works is because it is low in calories and not suppose to be a substitute for a lifetime of good nutrition. This diet program is not nutritionally sound, and I urge you to stop after seven days. The cabbage soup diet is also called the 'Sacred Heart Diet' or the 'Mayo Clinic Diet'. However it has no association with any Sacred Heart Hospital or the Mayo Clinic. The amount of what you lose on this diet is important muscle tissue. If you have not been will gain the weight back as fat, which is not muscle and therefore you will become fatter.

What is eaten during the 7 day diet plan?

  • Day 1- Drink as much soup as you want, eat only fruit and drink black coffee, cranberry juice, unsweetened tea, and water.
  • Day 2- Drink as much soup as you want, eat only raw or cooked vegetables but no fruit allowed.
  • Day 3 - Drink as much soup as you want and a combination of the first 2 days of eating fruits and vegetables.
  • Day 4- Drink as much soup as you want, eat up to 8 bananas and drink skim milk.
  • Day 5- Drink soup at least once, eat 6 fresh tomatoes, 10oz to 20oz of beef, chicken or fish, and drink 6 to 8 glasses of water.
  • Day 6 - Drink soup at least once, eat 2 to 3 beef steaks with fresh salad or vegetables.
  • Day 7 - Drink soup at least once, eat vegetables and brown rice, and drink unsweetened fruit juice.

During this 7 day diet some people will experience being light headed, dizziness and lower ability to concentrate. The soup can taste bland to some people but a little seasoning can be added to improve the flavor. Because this diet is for rapid weight loss, when people go off the 7 day diet plan, the weight loss can be regained.

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Monday, August 6, 2012

Paleo Diet Eating Plan: Is It Favourable to Your Health?

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

Having a difficult time planning your paleo diet meal? Wanted to stay fit by following this revolutionary diet regimen?

Paleo Diet Eating Plan: Is It Favourable to Your Health?

Paleo meal plans foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, eggs, lean meats and seafood. It provides nutrients such as soluble fiber, antioxidants, phytonutrients, omega-3 fatty acids, monounsaturated fats and carbohydrates. You must focus on red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, vegetables and fruits, nuts and seeds. Also, small amounts of honey, dried fruit and plant oils are included in meals. All processed foods that contain artificial ingredients, salt, refined sugars and grains and saturated and Trans fats...a big no-no in practicing Paleo Diet eating plan. When fruits and vegetables replace grains and dairy, even healthy whole grains and non-fat dairy. Coffee, alcohol and legumes are not allowed on your daily intake. Potatoes are not recommended in this diet because they are now genetically altered by modern farming techniques.

To begin with a Paleo Diet meal, prepare egg scrambled with spinach and mushrooms in the morning. For lunch, a recommended meal is grilled fish and a green vegetable salad with oil dressing. And for sumptuous dinner, you can eat grilled lean beef, steamed broccoli and a salad of tomatoes and raw bell peppers. Pig out on berries, guacamole and cut-up vegetables and nuts for snack.

What are the benefits of having Paleo diet in your meal?

Paleo diet can help you feel full longer and reduce your appetite. You must include on your meal plans: a large amount of fruits and vegetables.

But in this diet restricts you to many foods that you are eating and it may require you to prepare your own meal and planning the whole process of this healthy diet to follow. As you will notice, you will experience withdrawal symptoms whenever you eliminate caffeine and alcohol, and it resulting to massive headaches, fatigue and irritability.

It's hard to always come up with original meals from time to time from lack of options or a kitchen that still contains some not so good food choices.

The easiest way for people not only to understand what foods are healthy and what foods are not and why, but also to grasp what it entails to be eating Paleo on a day-to-day basis. The best way to prepare a typical paleo eating plan is to give out a sample of a week or two worth of food.

You can skip a meal whenever you feel like it or not. And the paleo diet is not about eating three square meals per day. If you decide to fast for a day, that's perfectly fine as well, but you must include three meals and a snack every day just to give you enough options to choose from. A meal plan like this can easily be adjust to four or even five weeks, because there will be leftovers to about every dinner as well as some of the lunches that you can use whenever you want during the rest of the week or put it on the fridge. This will also save you time from preparing food for every single meal. Some of the meals require quite a bit of preparation time, but most can be prepared a day in advance to make it easier. Some, like soups, stews and roasts, take time to cook, but not much active preparation time.

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Sunday, August 5, 2012

The 1,200 Calorie Diet - Fast Weight Loss For Women

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

If you are a woman and want to lose weight fast, then you will love this article about the popular 1200 calorie diet for women. The 1200 calorie diet is becoming a more popular diet for women everyday. Why? Because it's the fastest diet that is healthy and safe to lose weight that's out there today.

The 1,200 Calorie Diet - Fast Weight Loss For Women

Why? Because 1200 calories is the absolute bare minimum amount of calories that a woman can take in consistently and still maintain good health. Therefore, as far as dieting is concerned, you cannot lose any more weight than with using this diet safely.

The 1200 Calorie Diet

1. Eat at least 90 grams of carbs.
2. Most of the rest of your calories should be from lean protein sources.
3. Food should be broken up into 3 meals and 1-2 snacks.
4. Have a cheat day every 7th day.
5. Don't eat less than 1200 calories, and you should eat within 100 calories or so of 1200.

1200 Calorie Diet Tips

1. Don't drink your calories. High calorie drinks can totally ruin your diet - even if it's healthy, like juice, it is high in calories.
2. This works best when mixed with at least 3 days of workouts. (2 days of aerobic, and 1 day of weights)
3. Stay hydrated! It takes up to 2 days to get re-hydrated once dehydrated.
4. If you eat veggies and fresh fruit, along with lean protein for every meal, you should easily stay near 1200 calories.
5. Condiments, nuts, and oils (even cooking oils) are super high in calories. Use a non-stick cooking spray until you reach your desired weight.

I know this diet will help you lose weight as fast as possible. You can expect to lose any where from 3-7 pounds or more every week when combined with some physical activity. The 1200 calorie diet is by far the fastest weight loss diet for women there is.

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Friday, August 3, 2012

The 4 Pillars of Good Nutrition

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

When it comes to building a sound nutritional strategy both for health and for body composition (fat loss, muscle building or both), my ideas about nutrition currently reside upon the 4 pillars that I have listed below.

The 4 Pillars of Good Nutrition

It's important to continue reading and progressing as our understanding of how nutrition affects the body evolves, the following four approaches are a great place to start your exploration. At the end of this article you'll be find a link which will allow you to keep exploring these ideas in-depth.


What: This is often lopped in with "Paleo" eating, but Primal gives a bit more of a nod to the fact that we do actually live in the modern world. I would sum Primal eating up with the following assertion. If your great grandmother wouldn't recognize it, it's NOT FOOD. Primal eating is about getting back to the basics of what our bodies evolved to thrive on. The best place for tons of free information is Mark's Daily Apple.

When & Why: No matter what nutritional strategy I'm pursuing at any given time, it is always infused by the Primal philosophy. I make exceptions, but I believe in eating whole and naturally grown foods most of the time. It's what our bodies thrive on. The "food-like" substances that are generally passed off as food - using colorful boxes and wrappings - are not and will never be food, even if they taste good.

Potatoes Not Prozac

What: PnP deals primarily with the problem of sugar addiction. The author of the book, Kathleen DesMaisons, explains how the chemical reality of sugar addiction is very similar to that of alcoholism. She then proceeds to lay out a plan to overcome it in a 7 step incremental process.

When & Why: I used this when I first made a big shift towards more Primal eating. I was introduced to it by Coach Scott Sonnon. I can attest to the efficacy of the approach, as I kicked sugar and even coffee (though I've since picked the coffee back up) with surprising ease. I do still indulge in sugar from time to time though. And when it gets away from me, I usually go back to a PnP based diet for a while to get it back under control.

Intermittent Fasting

What: This is pretty simple. You stop eating for a while (up to 24 hours) and then you start again. I follow the Eat Stop Eat approach, which consists of one or two 24 hour fasts during the week. Although simple, what happens in your body is quite complex. The best explanation I've found is from Brad Pilon.

Why: Tons of people lose weight with Intermittent Fasting. I've never been able to. I especially like it for the health benefits and the periodic bouts of feeling empty and alert. I also use it when I'm in "steady" mode - not trying to lose or gain any weight. It lets me eat a bit more or indulge in more calorie dense foods during the "feeding" periods.

Berardi's Precision Nutrition

What: There's a lot more to it, but we can pin the "six feedings a day" moniker to Berardi's approach. He recommends veggies and whole protein during each of these six feedings, and builds his strategies around a list of ten "commandments" that are simple and effective. John Berardi is one of the first influences I latched onto when moving away from the mainstream media version of "healthy eating."

When & Why: For the past few years, I've maintained that this nutritional approach is best suited to very active people who are training a lot or who are participating in some type of sport or recreation at a high level of intensity and frequency. As I mentioned in my last post, I'm using a very similar approach to this right now given the high volume of training that I'm doing.

In conclusion, success in finding and adhering to a nutritional strategy is a very individual thing.  What works for one may not work for another.  But there are principles at play which are universal from one person to the next.  The sources above are a great starting point if you would like to dig deeper into your own dietary practices. To find more information about all of them in one place, visit this page on no-nonsense healthy fat loss.

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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Does the Paleo Diet Help Get Rid of Acne?

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

The short answer to the question of "does the paleo diet help get rid of acne?" is yes.

Does the Paleo Diet Help Get Rid of Acne?

There is no question about it either. Think about it for a second. The paleo diet simply suggests that you eat the foods you were designed to eat and avoid the foods that you were not designed to eat. That is the basic premise. Millions of people eat a paleo diet and they all eat different foods. Everyone has their own version.

But the basic premise is the same. In general, eat quality meats, seafood, fish, fowl, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. Avoid grains, legumes, dairy and all processed foods.

Many people on the paleo diet will eat butter from grass-fed cows. I am one of them! Grass-fed butter contains CLA, a naturally occurring trans fat that your body loves and can thrive on. Its also a great source of Vitamin A at 10% DV. Butter may be dairy but it is generally allowed for those who are trying to eat a paleo diet.

What are specific reasons that makes the paleo diet suitable for acne sufferers?

Your sugar intake is severely limited. When you eat a SAD diet you are more than likely consuming ridiculous amounts of sugar or more generally carbohydrates. Limiting your sugar intake is probably the greatest thing that you can do for healthy skin.

This is why I believe so many people have success after avoiding dairy. Many who consume dairy are drinking a lot of milk or eating a lot of ice cream. Both contain a lot of lactose, the sugar in milk. Our bodies are not able to digest lactose because we lack the enzyme lactase. This along with the simple fact that 12 grams of sugar per 1 Cup is a lot of sugar. Too much sugar is very toxic to your body.

Also, when you avoid sugar and replace it with paleo friendly foods then your body is taking in more nutrients. Instead of bread you eat vegetables, fruit or more meat. Fruit and veggies contain a lot of antioxidants while grains products lack these substances that help fight off oxidative stress.

When you begin to eat a paleo diet you also tend to change other aspects of your lifestyle. You begin to understand that getting enough sunlight and sleep along with playing more and working less is absolutely essential to a healthy life. All of this plays a role in the severity of your acne too.

Keep it simple and don't stress out about your macronutrient ratios. Eat paleo food and be patient. Soon you will get rid of your acne for life.

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Eating Foods From Paleo Food Lists for the Best Results

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

Early humans, the so-called cavemen, did not have the luxury of being able to drive down to the store whenever food was needed; these people obtained all their nourishment from hunting animals and gathering the wild fruits and vegetables around them. It has been found that these people were robust and healthy, mostly because of the natural diet they ate. The Paleo diet mirrors the diet followed by our ancestors, and eating those types of nourishment found on Paleo food lists can help you to feel healthier while providing optimum nutrition.

Eating Foods From Paleo Food Lists for the Best Results

Our diets have become saturated with foods that cavemen would never touch - spam, fatty chicken and turkey skin, sandwich meats, and processed meats like pepperoni and sausage. These foods simply contain too much unhealthy fat to be included in the Paleo diet, not to mention the foul assortment of preservative compounds and chemicals with which they are infused. Processed foods have been changed so much from their original form, and contain so many additives and so much salt and sugar that they can not only clog our arteries, but also make us fat.

The plow was completely unknown to cavemen, and instead they lived by following herds of animals and gathering the fruits, nuts, and vegetables that appeared in season. Grains were basically unknown to these people, and are therefore not included on Paleo food lists. All of us modern people have grown accustomed to eating bread, noodles, muffins, cakes and cookies - but these foods simply did not exist 20,000 years ago, and the people then were strong and healthy. It is also unlikely that many of them were overweight. Besides these processed carbohydrates, it is important not to eat food such as corn on the cob, rice, or wild rice if this diet is to be followed successfully.

Our ancestors were much more sensitive to the seasons and what foods would be available at certain times of year than we are. The nesting season in the spring provided the cavemen with a bounty of eggs, and eggs are an allowed food on the Paleo diet that will help you enjoy the type of breakfast you are accustomed to. The gazelles, deer, elk, and other hoofed mammals that the cavemen hunted provided lean, quality meat that had been fed on grasses and herbs rather than being fattened up on grains in the unnatural environment of the feedlot. Look for the leanest cuts of meat at the store, or cut excess fat away before cooking. Hamburgers that are advertised as extra lean and are specifically described as having less than 7% fat are suitable for such meals.

Fresh fruits and vegetables formed a large part of the caveman diet and they should also form a core part of your diet. While fruits are usually enjoyed raw, your vegetables should also be eaten this way, too, you will get more nutrition and more fiber from them. The exception is if you cook them up as part of a recipe, to accompany and flavor meat and to give more variety to your daily menu.

Partly because of the increased fiber and also because of the lean meat you will be eating, which takes a long while to digest, you will find that the diet described on Paleo food lists will leave you feeling full for a longer period after you eat. The quality of the food will slow down your digestion, and as you will be avoiding grain based carbohydrates, you will not get a 'sugar rush' that burns up what you have eaten too quickly. You will find yourself eating when you are hungry, rather than according to a schedule.

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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Caveman Paleolithic Diet

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

The last 84 tribes our world has ever known are some of the most slim, trim, and fastest people on this earth today as a whole. Why is this?

The Caveman Paleolithic Diet

Is it genetics? Yes! They are living proof that genetics play a large part in not only the structure of our body, but also in the way our bodies function. This does not mean that we are very different from these tribes and our ancient ancestors. We simply are not answering our bodies genetic call for food in the same way they do.

Is it their lifestyle? Yes! They walk, run, and swim to get their food or to visit with a neighboring tribe and they dance and jump and run to celebrate special events. Think about it, we don't walk to a restaurant for dinner, we drive there, and a lot of times we don't even walk into the restaurant, we simply hit the drive-through. The simple everyday tasks these tribes perform keep them in an almost constant state of motion, and if you are moving you are burning calories.

Is it their diet? Yes! They are not eating processed sugars, complex carbohydrates, additives, artificial colorings, artificial flavorings, and the countless number of preservatives - with names we cannot even pronounce - in their food everyday.

Therefore, if we take a lesson from our ancestors and combine these three criteria: genetics, lifestyle, and diet, then we can be as healthy, and in shape as our predecessors!

The Caveman Paleolithic Diet, also known as the caveman diet or Paleo diet is simply a blueprint of the way our ancestors lived and ate adapted for today's modern people. Although our caveman ancestors followed this diet simply because of the basic fact that processed and refined foods did not exists, it can still be followed today, with great success.

We have to consider food fuel for our bodies. You would not put dirty fuel into an expensive sports car because it can clog up the fuel injectors and impair the performance of the car, so why should we eat food that clogs our arteries, and impairs the performance of our bodies?

The Paleo diet simply has us eating lean meats, poultry, fruits, vegetables (but not legumes), nuts and berries, and of course fish. We have to cut out refined flour, sugar, and salt. Basically, try to picture yourself back in the stone ages, your meal will be whatever you can hunt or gather, and that is also why the caveman paleolithic diet is also called the hunter and gatherers diet.

Do some research, and of course talk to your doctor before you start any diet and see if the caveman paleolithic diet is the right choice for you, I'm sure you will find the benefits amazing!

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