Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Caveman Paleolithic Diet

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

The last 84 tribes our world has ever known are some of the most slim, trim, and fastest people on this earth today as a whole. Why is this?

The Caveman Paleolithic Diet

Is it genetics? Yes! They are living proof that genetics play a large part in not only the structure of our body, but also in the way our bodies function. This does not mean that we are very different from these tribes and our ancient ancestors. We simply are not answering our bodies genetic call for food in the same way they do.

Is it their lifestyle? Yes! They walk, run, and swim to get their food or to visit with a neighboring tribe and they dance and jump and run to celebrate special events. Think about it, we don't walk to a restaurant for dinner, we drive there, and a lot of times we don't even walk into the restaurant, we simply hit the drive-through. The simple everyday tasks these tribes perform keep them in an almost constant state of motion, and if you are moving you are burning calories.

Is it their diet? Yes! They are not eating processed sugars, complex carbohydrates, additives, artificial colorings, artificial flavorings, and the countless number of preservatives - with names we cannot even pronounce - in their food everyday.

Therefore, if we take a lesson from our ancestors and combine these three criteria: genetics, lifestyle, and diet, then we can be as healthy, and in shape as our predecessors!

The Caveman Paleolithic Diet, also known as the caveman diet or Paleo diet is simply a blueprint of the way our ancestors lived and ate adapted for today's modern people. Although our caveman ancestors followed this diet simply because of the basic fact that processed and refined foods did not exists, it can still be followed today, with great success.

We have to consider food fuel for our bodies. You would not put dirty fuel into an expensive sports car because it can clog up the fuel injectors and impair the performance of the car, so why should we eat food that clogs our arteries, and impairs the performance of our bodies?

The Paleo diet simply has us eating lean meats, poultry, fruits, vegetables (but not legumes), nuts and berries, and of course fish. We have to cut out refined flour, sugar, and salt. Basically, try to picture yourself back in the stone ages, your meal will be whatever you can hunt or gather, and that is also why the caveman paleolithic diet is also called the hunter and gatherers diet.

Do some research, and of course talk to your doctor before you start any diet and see if the caveman paleolithic diet is the right choice for you, I'm sure you will find the benefits amazing!

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

You Are on the Paleo Diet - How Do You Get Your Kids Onto It?

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

We all know the different benefits of the paleo diet, along with extreme increase in the amounts of energy that we experience, also the boundless health increases. Okay we don't need to go on with the whole list of different benefits that a person who goes on this diet will experience.

You Are on the Paleo Diet - How Do You Get Your Kids Onto It?

The problem is however not convincing you to go on the diet its convincing your children and showing them the benefits that the diet will give them. This however is not as easy as it sounds, we as adults can understand the health benefits but as children its harder for them to understand any of those concepts, especially if they are used to a diet filled with sugary treats.

One advantage is that once you start consuming foods on the diet and start to experience the benefits of it, people in your family will start to notice and will be intrigued. This is often a good way to get the whole family to get on board the paleo train. Often leading by example can result in others trying and often enjoying the results they see in their own lives, and perhaps stay on board their whole lives.

I know how hard it is to change diets and your way of life, because I came from a family that was used to eating a diet full of oily, greasy foods. It took a lot, and I mean a lot of energy to pull away from that way of life and venture out on my own path and start making meals that were more natural and incline with our hunter gatherer ancestors.

I was used to a lot of oily quick easy to make meals at home, and often the family would bring home meals that were from fast food. We all know how dangerous these meals can be to our health. So I know that its can be very hard often impossible for some people to change their diet.

Now I don't think that you should be forcing your children to change their diets, especially if they are used to consuming foods that are full of bad ingredients or sugary. But instead from a young age implement a healthy way of life and explain to children how they can benefit and how good they feel when eating the right foods. This will naturally help the child to learn and motivate them to make better diet choices when consuming different foods.

Using forceful tactics such as banning your child from eating non paleo diet when outside of the house may result in the child rebelling against you and therefore be more inclined to choosing foods that are not good for them.

These are just some suggestions as to what you can do to slowly but surely implement a diet that both you and your children can enjoy. Perhaps if you would like to try different recipes then check http://www.mypaleocookbook.com for some the whole family could enjoy.

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

How to Make the Best Meal You Have Never Had (And It's Healthy Too)

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

For those of you that know me, you know that I'm always trying to eat healthy whenever I can. I don't always do but I try. Recently I have really been trying really extra hard. Nevertheless, I always manage to slip up because let's face it - healthy food tastes like crap.

How to Make the Best Meal You Have Never Had (And It's Healthy Too)

When I mean healthy I mean a modified version of the Paleo Diet. I try not to eat processed foods which basically means anything man made. No sugar. And I try not to eat grain because it contains an evil protein called gluten that does some nasty things to your body. This means I can't eat bread and that really limits the meals I can have.

Basically I try and eat like a caveman. But like I said - this is not an easy thing to stick to. Especially since I'm not supposed to drink beer.

Through my efforts I have discovered that grass-fed beef is insanely good for you. It is one of the most nutrient dense foods you can shove down your mouth. Grass-fed beef is exactly what you think it is - cow that eats grass. All other cattle are fed grains unless otherwise specified. And no, "natural diet" does not mean grass-fed.

Right now most of my meals consist of some kind of grass-fed meat - whether it is steak or ground beef. I'll also have some chicken once in awhile and I wish I liked fish. So you can see I am pretty limited variety wise here and although eating steak is delicious - it does get a little tiresome after awhile.

This has forced me to get creative with the things I cook. But finally, through many months of experimentation, I have created a dish that not only is really healthy but is extremely tasty as well. It can be done!

I call it "Ryan's Bad Ass Bowl of Beef". (Hmmmm there is a joke in there somewhere)

It's a variation of a picadillo meal I learned how to cook in high school - and it is super easy to make.

Here is what you will need:

* 2 lbs Grass-fed ground beef

* A jar of Boscoli Family Jalapeno Olive Salad

* An onion (I just use a bag of frozen onions)

And that's it. I told you it was easy. I purchased all of these items at Whole Foods.

1. First start off by putting a little bit of olive oil in a pan and start browning the ground beef on medium heat.

2. While you are letting the ground beef brown it's time to work on the onions. Get another pan, throw some olive oil in it and turn it up to high.

3. When the oil starts smoking throw in the onions. (Be careful of the oil that might splatter once the onions hit the hot pan.)

4. Caramelize the onions by cooking them until they are a nice light golden brown color. (You will know when they are almost done when all the water from them has evaporated and they start sticking a little to the pan.)

5. Once the ground beef is a nice brown color - turn down the heat and add the onions.

6. Next add from anywhere 4 - 7 tablespoons of the jalapeno olive salad (I add a lot. I really love that stuff) to the ground beef.

7. Stir it up a little bit and you are done.

And Viola. You now have a great tasting meal that is actually good for you.

Damn I'm hungry.

- Ryan

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Friday, July 27, 2012

How to Lose Weight With the God-Given Plan

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

I've struggled with my weight since I was about 14 years old. At 14, I was 5 feet 7 inches tall (the height I am now) and when I weighed in at the varsity sports physical (held in the library in front of everyone), I was 150 lbs. I've never been a skinny waif, but I was never considered "fat" either. I was athletic and muscular and well, big-boned! Nevertheless, the shock on the athletic director's face when she saw how much I weighed was enough to make me cry!

How to Lose Weight With the God-Given Plan

Since then, I've dieted and exercised and over-dieted and over-exercised. I've had seven babies and been pregnant with two others (for a brief shining moment), and so have had the hormonal and weight changes that go along with that. I've never been extremely happy with my body, but I've never been so unhappy either that I'm willing to starve or have some kind of eating disorder.

I've recently lost two pants sizes. I have no idea how much weight I've lost because I don't own a scale. But I definitely needed to lose some, because I was wearing a pants size that I've never had to wear before! Rather than starve myself and sign up for a gym (I hate to spend money on stuff like that), I decided to take a more God-given approach.

First, I really hate to exercise. I don't mean that I like to sit around all day, but I like my exercise to have a purpose. When we lived in Vermont, I used to stack wood and carry wood into the house and haul water down to animals. I lived on the side of the hill, so even getting to the mailbox was exercise. I live in the city now and still have a large garden that needs hoeing and weeding, but the other activity simply isn't there. So I had to adjust.

Since I'm still not going to join a gym and I still hate taking a walk just for the point of taking a walk, I've tried to add activity and exercise to everything (well, not everything) I do. Since we live in the middle of a wonderful downtown area, we walk everywhere. I love to walk with a purpose. We walk to Jack's soccer games. We walk to one of the three playgrounds near us. We walk to the pool. We walk along the trail to the bike shop, the boat launch or the ice cream shop (where I very patiently only eat the last couple of bites of Kiara or Seamus' ice cream and forego a treat for myself!).

I've also started instituting a little exercise routine into more boring parts of my day. I still dry my hair with a blow dryer. No, it's not very frugal or green. I know that. But I'm growing it out and until it grows out, I have to dry it or I'm frizz central. Which I just hate. So there. You caught me! But while I'm drying my hair and brushing my teeth, I raise up and down on my toes 30 times. Sounds silly, I know. But I haven't had a defined calf muscle in probably ten years and after doing this for two months, I do. I also do 20 leg lifts on both sides while I'm blow drying. Silly? Sure. But something has to account for those pant size drops because I still eat ice cream before bed two or three times a week!

If I'm feeling really energetic, I'll lay down and do a bunch of stomach crunches and weight lift with some 8 lb weights that came with our house for about 10 minutes. I probably do this 3-4 times a week. And while I'm waiting for the coffee to brew in the morning, if Seamus isn't too grouchy, I'll do 20-30 deep squats right there in the kitchen. It's usually about 5 am so no one else sees me.

I try to do these things in little spurts because the idea of "working out" for 30 or 60 minutes at a time not only sounds mind-numbingly boring to me, but is virtually impossible because someone is always needing something!

I've also changed the way I look at food. I was always a pleasure and comfort eater. Now I try and look at things in a more centered way. I figure that God and Mother Nature came up with a plan for what humans should eat and they provided us with it - as well as the tools and knowledge to grow more. If it doesn't grow in the ground or doesn't eat what grows in the ground, I try not to eat it. By looking at our food as what it is, simple fuel, and not as a reward, punishment, comfort or anything else, I have found that I eat a lot less and eat much more of the things that are good for me.

I eat much less refined sugar now than I used to. I used to not be able to pass by a plate of cookies or brownies and now I have no trouble. By simple changing my perception of food and being happy with what is provided, I find that I have fewer cravings and fewer "needs" for what really are "bad" foods.

I also found that my nature is to not be wasteful. I was hollered at forever as a child to "clear my plate" and "eat all I take." What I started doing as a grown-up was eating everything my kids left on their plates too, so it wouldn't go to waste! Ugh! They were perfectly healthy, eating what they needed, and here was their vacuum cleaner mom, still trying to please her parents with perfect plates. Once I realized just how many crusts of PB&J I was eating, I realized that it's OK to be a little wasteful sometimes.

Now, I am not perfect! I do not eat salad three times a day! But I've cut out all refined flour from our diets except for pasta once a week and I've tried to eliminate refined sugar from everything I eat and drink. I only drink coffee and water during the day - no more soda (especially diet soda which I'm convinced makes you fatter) and I have a glass of wine or two with my hubby on a date night once a month or on a weekend. I do put lemon juice in my water occasionally, just for something different.

Why do I call this a God-Given diet? Because I believe God has given us all the tools we need to be healthy and the weight we need to be. We just have to embrace real food and take our exercise opportunities when we can, as often as we can.

"For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies. Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living" - 2 Thessalonians 3:10-12

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Caveman Diet Explained - What Is The Caveman Diet?

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

Caveman Diet

Caveman Diet Explained - What Is The Caveman Diet?

Finding a diet that is both healthy, and sustainable is not an easy task. Although many fad diets will make endless promises, many have little to no scientific or nutritional basis. There is one diet that is gaining in popularity, and actually has the support of experts from both the nutrition and science communities. This diet is the Paleo Diet, often referred to as the Caveman Diet, and has been developed and perfected based on the research findings of leading scientists.

Caveman Diet History

The Caveman Diet has actually been around for decades, having first been introduced in the mid '70s. It is based primarily on the diet of our ancient ancestors stemming back to the Paleolithic era. Although the diet has had a variety of critics, it differs from other diets in that it has been supported by the research findings of some of the greatest experts in the fields of science and nutrition. Furthermore, many of these experts now follow the Paleo Diet themselves. With the growing popularity of the Caveman Diet, these experts are not the only ones now following the diet. Many top athletes have switched to the Paleo Diet with great results.

What Is The Caveman Diet?

Now that you have a better idea as to the scientific foundations of the Caveman Diet, and its recent growth in popularity among the healthiest of individuals, you are probably wondering what actually comprises the diet. The Paleo, or Caveman Diet promotes the eating of lean meat, fish, fruits, and vegetables, and discourages a high intake of carbohydrate heavy foods that stem from wheat, rice, and corn. The belief is that, because agriculture did not surface until after the Paleolithic era, the human body has not had sufficient time to adapt to eating grains, such as wheat, rice, and corn. Scientists have found that, because the human body has not fully grown accustomed to such foods, they tend to increase the rate of health problems and disease. Although the Paleo Diet doesn't entirely eliminate the intake of foods rich in carbohydrates, it does encourage you to moderately reduce the amount of grains that you eat each day.

How is the Caveman Diet Different from the Atkin's Diet?

One of the most popular diets in the last twenty years was the Atkin's Diet. This diet, which has since proven to be unhealthy, encouraged its followers to avoid any kind of starch-heavy carbohydrate as a means to losing weight. Thus, many followers of the Atkin's Diet completely eliminated any form of complex carbohydrates from their diet, substituting them for more meat. Unfortunately, fatty meats were often used, causing liver problems for some, and limited results for many more.

The Paleo Diet, on the other hand, does not encourage one to completely eliminate wheat, rice, and corn from their diet, but to moderately reduce them. In fact, experts state that there are actually particular times when eating those foods is encouraged. The Caveman Diet also is very specific that you don't eat any and all kinds of meat, but rather the healthier lean meats, as well as fish. By eating lean meats and fish, you'll gain the necessary proteins, healthy fats, and Omega 3s that are necessary for a healthy lifestyle.


Dieting does not mean losing weight in an unhealthy manner, but rather changing your eating habits to be healthier and to feel better. The Paleo Diet has proven, through both results, and scientific research and data, to be effective and healthy. By following the Caveman Diet, and "eating like a caveman," you'll find yourself with more energy, and the confidence that your new lifestyle is not a fad, but rather an improved way of living and eating. You'll still be able to eat your favorite dishes, and while they'll be slightly modified according to their Caveman Diet recipes, they'll taste better than ever.

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Discover The 7 Amazing Benefits of Paleo Diet Cookbooks

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

Paleo cookbooks what? This is probably your first reaction when you saw the headline of this article. Well, to be honest with you, not many people are aware of the so-called Paleo (read: Paleolithic) diet.

Discover The 7 Amazing Benefits of Paleo Diet Cookbooks

To give you an overview, the Paleo diet is a nutrition program that closely resembles the diet of our Paleolithic ancestors. There are several books and studies about this type of diet. Advocates of the Paleo nutrition contend that the diet of Stone Age cavemen consisted primarily of proteins and fats. These gave them enough energy and nourishment that enabled them to build strong and trimmed muscles. The basic nutrition of Paleolithic humans also helped them to avoid affluence or lifestyle diseases which are very common nowadays.

Unfortunately, it is not easy to follow the original diet of our Paleolithic ancestors. That is because modern staples have generally relied on grain-based, poultry-supplied, and processed foods. And these foods are not included in Paleo nutrition. So it is not surprising to see some people experiencing difficulties in following the Paleo diet.

If you are planning to start a diet based on Paleolithic nutrition, then you need a comprehensive cookbook that will help you to prepare your food. Here are some of the most important benefits that you can enjoy if you have handy Paleo recipes.

1. Preparing your food would be much easier.
2. You can ensure that you will follow your diet.
3. You still get to eat tasty and delicious meals.
4. You will never get bored with your nutrition program.
5. You can effectively plan your meals everyday.
6. You can prepare a Paleo meal even if you are always on the go.
7. Most important of all, you can ensure that your meals are healthy and nutritious.

With these benefits, who would not want to have Paleo diet cookbooks?

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Monday, July 23, 2012

Stay Hungry My Friend

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

Feast or Fast?

Stay Hungry My Friend

In 1916 Rasputin's enemies put enough cyanide in his wine to kill five men. He drank it with no ill effects. In 1934 Mary Crowell and Clive McCay of Cornell University occasionally forgot to feed their lab mice. Those mice lived twice as long as the well fed ones. Today I usually eat once a day.

What do all of these things have in common? I'll try to explain. I just have to figure out where to begin. I think I'll start with my eating only once a day.

Long before I started on the paleo diet and caveman lifestyle, I usually only ate when I was hungry. Most of the time that was once or sometimes twice a day. As a matter of fact, what appealed to me about this lifestyle was that it made sense to me on a gut level (no pun intended). Sleep when you are tired, eat when you are hungry and exercise when something is chasing you. It just seemed natural.

A few days ago a friend of mine said that he was going to do some intermittent fasting. He wasn't going to eat his first meal until noon. Noon? Intermittent fasting? What's up with this?

I decided to check out this idea of "intermittent fasting" It led me back to 1916 and to Grigori Rasputin AKA the Russian "Mad Monk". Rasputin's enemies tried to poison him by putting cyanide in his wine, that didn't work. So then they shot him 4 times, stabbed him, beat him, tied him up and threw him under the ice in the river. That worked.

The important question here is, why didn't the poison kill him? It turns out that Rasputin suspected that someday someone would try to poison him, so he ate a little cyanide every day in advance. Eventually his system had built up an immunity to cyanide. (Unfortunately, he hadn't figured out a way to be immune from being shot, stabbed, beaten and drowned.)

This brings us to 1934 and the folks that forgot to feed the mice and discovered that the "calorie restricted" mice lived longer than the well fed mice. (I don't know that they forgot to feed the mice, but that's what I would tell my boss too.) Anyway, the concept of "calorie restriction" took off and before long scientists were calorie restricting everything from fruit flies to monkeys. Some of them were actually even calorie restricting fungi. The results were interesting. As long as you kept them this side of total starvation everything seemed to be healthier and live longer (although probably somewhat crankier).

Then someone came up with the idea of intermittent fasting. Maybe we could reap the same benefits of near starvation without being miserable all the time? Turns out we probably can. After all, that's how the cavemen lived. Personally, I think it all comes down to hormesis.

"Hormesis" comes from the Greek word "hormain" which means to excite. Hormesis is the response an organism has to a low level of stress. You've heard the expression "If it doesn't kill you it makes you stronger"? That's hormesis. Whether it's taking a little cyanide every day, lifting weights or intermittent fasting, the process of hormesis makes you stronger. We all need a certain level of stress to survive.

How does it actually work? Who knows? And does it really matter? Our bodies are designed for survival. Our muscles need to be stressed to grow. Our immune system needs to be exposed to germs to stay strong. Our body needs to be exposed to famine to stay tuned. It's just how we were made. Want to stay healthy and live a long life? I'll give you 2.5 million years of advice:

Eat real food... and... stay hungry my friend

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Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Paleo Diet for Crossfit: The Fuel You Need for Your WOD

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

If you are into the new way in fitness called Crossfit, then you should be looking into the Paleo diet to fuel your performance.

The Paleo Diet for Crossfit: The Fuel You Need for Your WOD

Crossfit is sweeping the globe and athletes are picking up this new method of working out to train their bodies more efficiently. This is not a workout for the timid or the weak. In fact, many military groups and police forces are using this means of achieving better fitness and performance. The difference between Crossfit and other workouts is that Crossfit is designed not to specialize, but to cross train so that your body does not get accustomed to any one workout and is continually developing new skills and muscles.

From jumping rope to gymnastics, from rowing to running, from Parkour to power lifting, Crossfit is about challenging your body and taking it to the next level. But in order to perform at your best and get the most out of this method of training, you need to fuel your body appropriately. The Paleo diet is great fuel for Crossfit workouts. In order to do well in all ten of the fitness domains, your body must have real food to burn. The Paleo diet provides the foods that our bodies were created and designed to ingest.

Our modern diets are built on manufactured and processed foods. The Paleo man did not eat fake foods. His diet was limited to what grew naturally and what roamed the fields naturally. He did not drink or eat dairy products. He did not eat refined sugar. He did not eat grains. He also did not ingest "vegetables" that modern man has cultivated. He ate foods that were made specifically for his body to process.

The Paleo diet for Crossfit workouts is a perfect match. Crossfit workouts depend upon the body being able to perform and function optimally. Without proper fuel, you cannot adequately take advantage of the benefits of the Crossfit workouts. If you are investing hours and hours in training your body to be the ultimate fitness machine, do not undo all that good by then putting "healthy" modern foods into your mouth.

The modern diet does terrible things to our human bodies. It causes us to be more vulnerable to illness and disease. It opens us up to attack by things that threaten our overall health. The Paleo diet helps reduce our risk and restore our good health. Inflammation is reduced and our bodies are free of the antinutrients we keep pumping ourselves full of.

The Paleo diet for Crossfit workouts make total sense. It is the best way for athletes to realize their potential. You cannot reach your full optimal results without shifting your lifestyle. We are what we eat. And when we eat unhealthy foods, we become unhealthy. When we consume foods that our bodies can easily process because they built to do so, then our health improves substantially.

Turn your nutrition around today and watch your fitness levels go through the roof.

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Friday, July 20, 2012

Increase Your Energy by Making These Step By Step Easy Paleo Recipes

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

The Paleo diet has been around for decades, although many people really never took to the diet as most people stated that the food was exceptionally bland and tasteless. After you have made these Paleo recipes and tasted the food you will most definitely change your mind. Not only will you change your mind but after eating you will have far more energy as well as a much leaner body from following a healthy Paleolithic diet. The recipes are free from gluten and wheat.

Increase Your Energy by Making These Step By Step Easy Paleo Recipes

Macadamia Salsa and White Fish

4 white fish fillets
1/4 cup of crushed macadamia nuts
1/4 cup of finely chopped tomatoes
3 teaspoons of fresh chopped coriander
3 teaspoons of chopped parsley
1 avocado diced up
Virgin olive oil

1. Preheat your grill to a medium heat.
2. Take the fish and brush lightly with olive oil and place on the grill until cooked.
3. Place the salsa ingredients into a mixing bowl and mix the ingredients well together.
4. Add a dash of olive oil.
5. Place the cooked fish on a plate and top with the salsa.

This dish can be served with a baked potato or oven grilled chips. You can also include a healthy green salad. To complete this delicious meal here is a complimentary dessert to round off your meal. This dessert is Wheat and Gluten free.

Upside Down Pineapple Cake

1/2 cup of gluten free brown sugar
1 tablespoon of butter
1 small time of pineapple pieces
4 egg yolks
3/4 cup of granulated GF free sugar
1/2 a cup of fresh lemon juice and the grated lemon rind
4 egg whites 3/4 cup of potato starch
1/4 cup of diced cherries
1 teaspoon of baking powder GF

1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees C.
2. Melt the butter and sugar in a small pot. Then arrange the pineapple pieces over the this mixture and leave to stand for a while.
3. Use a large mixing bowl and beat the egg yolks till light and frothy. Add the granulated sugar, grated lemon rind and lemon juice and beat until creamy.
4. In a separate bowl beat the egg whites until the form peaks and then gently fold into the mixture.
5. Add the potato starch and baking powder and mix well.
6. Take the pineapple, sugar and butter mixture and pour into a baking dish.
7. Then carefully pour the other mixture over the pineapple pieces.
8. Bake for 30 minutes.

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Thursday, July 19, 2012

More Paleo Meals To Delight Your Diet

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

In the Paleolithic diet, there are a lot of people thinking that meals included in the diet are tasteless since it is natural and organic. The truth is you can make it simple or complex whenever you desire. Especially with the use of Paleolithic cook books really can help you prepare delicious Paleolithic meals. One of the recipes I will be mentioning is just an example on how you can make a typical meal to a splendid meal.

More Paleo Meals To Delight Your Diet

Vegetable Curry

Eating curries can cover up most of the food groups. Covering up most of the food groups are a good way to stay healthy. So by preparing a vegetable curry, you can tackle most of the nutrients your body needs. Plus, you get to save more time and effort. In this curry recipe, you will be needing coconut milk, mushrooms as substitutes for meat, and eggplant. These are the main ingredients that you will need to prepare the curry. But before you prepare the Paleolithic meal, let us see the benefits of eating this curry first so that you will see that being in the Paleolithic diet is really healthy. Coconut milk contains fats, but not just any fats but good fats, since these fats do not come from animals. Mushroom is a good source of Potassium and vitamin E that works with anti oxidants that cleanses the body. On the other hand, mushroom is low in calories, so you don't have to worry about your calorie intake. Research shows that eggplants have nutrients that protect the lipids in brain cells. It also has anti oxidants that can prevent cancer.


5 eggplants (small to medium size)

Mushrooms (depending on the amount that you prefer cut in quarters)

1/3 cup coconut milk

2 gloves garlic (minced)

2 pieces green onions (finely chopped)

1 tsp coconut oil

3-4 pieces ripe tomatoes (diced)

½ tsp chili powder

Ground coriander

Ground turmeric

Ground cumin

Black pepper

To start things off, you need to cook the eggplant in an oven. Wrap the eggplant in an aluminum foil before placing it on the oven. Cool down the eggplants then dish out the flesh. Use a spoon to make dish out the flesh. Follow it up using a fork to mash the flesh. Set aside for the mean time. In a large skillet, sauté the garlic in coconut oil. Add the mushrooms and the green onions and stir it for a while. After which, add the ingredients on the skillet and mix well. Add the tomatoes and season with a little salt and pepper. Stir it until the tomatoes are tender. Add the eggplant flesh together with the cilantro and coconut milk. Simmer for a few minutes to let the flavors blend.

These are just one of the foods that can be eaten in the Paleolithic diet. Most of the meals in the Paleolithic diet are nutritious and tasty. Not only they are healthy but some of the recipes are used to enhance the cooking skills of the individual to make something out of the ordinary foods that we eat.

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Atkins Vs Paleo - What Works and What Doesn't

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

Recently I've seen a lot of websites and books make comparisons between the Paleo Diet and the Atkins diet. "It's like Atkins," they say, "but you can eat fruit!" I understand that a lot of people in our community are trying to convert non-believers from other diets. And I understand that having someone make the switch from Atkins to Paleo probably isn't much of a stretch. But in my opinion, trying to say the Atkins Diet is like the Paleo Diet doesn't do the Paleo Diet any favors and ignores the key concepts of the diet. It's really not like the Atkins Diet at all.

Atkins Vs Paleo - What Works and What Doesn't

The Atkins Diet is NOT the Paleo Diet

The Atkins Diet, for most people, is not a life-long endeavor. It's not a lifestyle. It's a way to cut weight by keeping your carbohydrates as close to zero as possible. I recently spoke to someone that mentioned she was going to do Atkins (again) because she was happy with her weight loss in Phase 1. And Phase 1 is understandably where most people fall off the Atkins wagon. Nobody wants to eat bacon and sausage every day of their life because eating a grape fruit would send their body out of ketosis and kill their weight loss.

The Paleo Diet isn't based on counting carbohydrates, or grams of fat, or even calories. It is based on the principle that you should eat what our ancestors ate. And that's it. Our ancestors didn't eat pre-packaged, sodium-rich "meat products" -- they ate MEAT. While these meat-products are fine on the Atkins diet as long as they don't add to your carbohydrate count, someone following a paleolithic lifestyle would assuredly pass on them. Our ancestors didn't eat Whole Grain Wheat toast or "Heart-Healthy" Cheerios, they ate wholesome vegetables, fruits, and nuts.

There is no induction phase for the Paleo Diet.

You don't lose weight rapidly for 2 weeks and then plateau off.Weight loss with paleo happens all the time throughout the course of your life until you reach your ideal body weight. Eating natural foods, you will find it extremely hard to reach enough calories to gain any weight and the closer you are to your ideal weight, the less calories your body will need to consume, the less you will eat.

Foods that are calorie dense (such as meats) will keep you full for hours, making you eat less of them. Between meals you can snack on fruits and vegetables that provide essential nutrients and vitamins but won't pack on the calories. Some vegetables and most fruits are severely limited or banned on the Atkins diet because of their natural carbohydrates.

In my experience on the Atkins Diet, there was never really a time that I didn't crave cakes, or sweets, or fruit. I tried to block them out. I tried to get my mind off of them. But I always wanted them.

On the Paleo Diet you don't miss out on the sweet taste of fruit -- because you can eat as much of it as you want. You don't miss eating cakes because you can make your own cakes without wheat flour. Pizza? You can eat that, too, as long as you make it yourself using natural ingredients. The best part of Paleo is the community. If you have a craving for something, you can be sure that someone else has made a paleo variation of it and posted it on the internet.

In the first four months after starting the Paleolithic Diet, I had lost over 40lbs and my wife had lost over 50lbs, eating delicious food that we wanted to eat.

The Paleo Diet is for Designed for Your Health

While the Atkins diet may be healthier for you than eating a bag of Doritos, you're still loading your body with unnatural preservatives, sodium, and other industrial garbage while never really getting the essential nutrients your body needs to thrive.

There is anecdotal evidence that the Paleo Diet treats or can even cure illnesses like cancer, Rheumatoid arthritis, Multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease and adult onset (Type 2) diabetes.

In my own case, the Paleo Diet cured me of GERD and allowed me to stop taking all of my prescribed medications.


As you can see, the Paleo Diet and the Atkins Diet are two diametrically opposed diets. They may be similar in that they both condone eating meat, but that's really where the similarities end, as each diet comes to that conclusion through vastly different philosophies. Based on my own experiences with both diets, I choose the Paleo Diet for Life.

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Monday, July 16, 2012

Ham Salad Sandwich Recipe - Best Ham Salad

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

This recipe shows you how to make ham salad that everyone will love. Use for sandwiches, or serve on a nice bed of lettuce on a plate.

Ham Salad Sandwich Recipe - Best Ham Salad

2 cups mayonnaise

1 cup sweet pickle relish

1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

2 teaspoons salt

2 pounds smoked boneless ham, diced

1 onion, diced

1 small green bell pepper, diced

2 stalks celery, diced


In a large bowl, stir together the mayonnaise, relish, pepper and salt until blended. Add the ham, onion, green pepper and celery and toss until coated. Refrigerate leftover salad in a covered bowl.

=> Ham Salad Recipes: Amazing Pasta Ham Salad

This delicious recipe features ham, pasta, bell peppers, onion, sweet pickles, tomatoes and sour cream. Great for picnics and luncheons.

8 ounces ziti pasta

1 pound cooked ham, cubed

1 large red bell pepper, cut into 1-inch pieces

1 large green bell pepper, cut into 1-inch pieces

1 large red onion, coarsely chopped

15 small sweet pickles, chopped, reserve juice

1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved

1 cup mayonnaise

1/2 cup sour cream

2 1/2 teaspoons beef bouillon granules

1 tablespoon white vinegar

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper

2 cloves garlic, minced


Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil.

Add pasta and cook for 8 to 10 minutes or until al dente; drain.

In a large bowl, mix together the drained pasta, ham, peppers, onion, pickles and tomatoes.

In a small bowl, whisk together the mayonnaise, sour cream, beef bouillon granules, vinegar, salt, pepper, garlic and 1/2 cup of reserved pickle juice.

Fold into the salad and toss gently until evenly coated. Chill overnight to allow the flavors to blend. Serve near room temperature.

=> Easy Ham Salad Recipe: Easy Ham Cheese Salad

This is a great recipe for making chopped ham salad that already includes the cheese inside the mixture. Makes a great sandwich or a nice ham salad spread for parties.

2 cups chopped ham

1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese

2 stalks celery, chopped

1/3 cup mayonnaise

1 1/2 tablespoons prepared mustard


In a food processor, combine the ham and celery; pulse until finely chopped. Add cheese and pulse until mixed.

Place the mixture in a bowl and add the mayonnaise and mustard. Mix well; serve on sandwich, pita bread, bread rounds or crackers.

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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Excess Calcium - Find out the Dangers of Excess Calcium in Blood

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

Calcium acts as a building block for bones and teeth and is also important for healthy hair, nails and muscles. To prevent osteoporosis in old age, everyone should consume calcium-rich food on a daily basis. However, it is also important to know that excess calcium in blood is sometimes dangerous for health. Let's find out how.

Excess Calcium - Find out the Dangers of Excess Calcium in Blood

About 99% of calcium found in our body has to be accumulated in our bones and teeth. The remaining 1% circulates with other substances in blood throughout the body and helps in digestion and other activities. In old age, or due to a complicated health condition, calcium may not be absorbed properly by the bones. As a result it starts accumulating in other parts of the body and causes problems.

Excess calcium can get absorbed by the nails, skin and even tissues where it is not needed. Although overall health depends on adequate levels of calcium in blood, there should not be deposits of calcium anywhere in the body. To avoid such a situation maximum calcium absorption is needed. Because of this reason doctors advise taking calcium-rich tablets right after meals for their proper digestion and absorption.

Premature aging, fatigue, depression and some other conditions can be attributed to excess calcium levels in the body. Normal daily dosage of calcium should not, in any case, exceed 2500 mg. Before buying and consuming calcium supplements make sure they contain optimum levels of calcium as well as some other substances that help in the absorption of calcium.

Serum calcium is also vital to be performed every 6 months or so to measure the level of calcium in your body. Doctors prescribe nutritional supplements according to this measurement. Usually a tablet providing 40% calcium is sufficient to be taken after meals. However, if your serum calcium indicates dangerously low levels of calcium you may want to increase this dosage after consulting your doctor.

If you have high or excess calcium, stop consuming milk and other dairy products till the level drops down to normal. Similarly, salmon, herring and tuna are not good for your health when you have high calcium levels. Eyes are good indicators of internal health of various systems of the body. If your eyes remain cloudy or cause pain, you should immediately see a doctor or have your serum calcium performed to find out whether there is high level of calcium in your body or some other problem that needs to be treated.

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Quality Vs Quantity: Which One Matters Most With Food?

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

When it comes to diets, losing weight, and the "health" food industry, there are several routes you can take. So many in fact it can be daunting. Do you try Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, or Nutrisystem? But there's also Atkins, Paleo Diets, Ketogenic, Vegan, Vegetarian, Raw Foods, Gluten Free, Detoxes, and so the list keeps going. How do you know which one to do, or which one is right for you? More importantly, will you keep the weight off?

Quality Vs Quantity: Which One Matters Most With Food?

There may be a ton of different diets out there, but in reality, most diets fall in one of two focuses: the quality of foods and the quantity of foods. With the quantity, it's all about calorie counting and portion control. Weight Watchers is probably the most notorious for using this model with their points system, though Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem follow similar lines. The idea with this dieting philosophy is to eat what you want, but once you reach the limit, you're done.

The pros to this diet is simple enough to see: you don't need abstain from any food, even cheesecake. The cons however, is that you'll find yourself many times already at your quota halfway through the day. It's really more of a gimmick of advertising to say you can eat what you want with these diets. Sure you can have that Baconator with supersize fries, but that's it... for the next 3 days! I may have exaggerated just a little right there, but I've seen friends on these diets do almost that.

Let's look at the other dieting philosophy-Quality Foods. The big focus here is not so much on how much you eat, but what you eat. With Atkins and Ketogenic diets, the focus is high protein with low amounts of carbs. The Paleo diet also does something similar, but the real focus is to stay away from agricultural products, like grains (which is similar to Gluten-free diets). Then you got the other end of the spectrum with Vegetarians and Vegans with meat and animal products avoided. Finally, you have probably the most extreme with the Raw Foods diet/lifestyle, that follows the philosophy, "if you have to cook it, don't eat it."

Pros: with all these different focuses, a common thread is on the quality of the foods you're putting in your body. Many of these diets focus on whole foods more than processed artificial foods. While some Quality focused diets, like Atkins in particular, should not be done as a lifestyle, a lot of them, like Paleo and Vegan, can be. What's more, choosing one of these diets as a lifestyle can lead to long term health benefits and slow aging.

The cons to these diets are that, if unrestricted, they aren't a complete system for healthy change.

The truth is, if you want to lose weight and, more importantly, live a healthy life, you really need a mix of both dieting philosophies. Sticking to good, quality, whole foods is, I believe, the first and most important step. Whether you go ketogenic or Paleo or Vegan doesn't matter as much as the central idea to eat non-processed foods. The problem with foods that are recommended in Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, and Nutrisystem, is that many of them are highly processed and can affect long term health. But their focus on how much you should eat should not be discounted (at least the idea, not necessarily the specifics).

By watching your calories and ratios of carbs, protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals and pairing that with whole-foods, you will not only see results, but ones that will stay with you into your 90's and beyond. Don't diet, eat healthy as a lifestyle.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Paleo Diet Meal Plan: Tips for a Successful Paleo Diet

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

This article assumes that you are already familiar with the Paleo diet and now want to adopt it for yourself. The "Paleo diet" has an obscure sounding name and lots of seemingly bizarre rules: no bread or beans? Despite the list of dos and don'ts, the theory is the easy part, the doing it is the hard part.

Paleo Diet Meal Plan: Tips for a Successful Paleo Diet

Eat only what the earliest humans ate.

It's that simple. What isn't so simple is keeping your commitment. If you're like me, or most humans really, goal setting easy. How many New Year's Resolutions have you made? How many have you fulfilled? So before you jump into the Paleo diet only to abandon it a few days in, set yourself up for success.

Make a Paleo diet meal plan

My least favorite part about adopting a new healthy eating regiment is that invariably the cookbooks will list out recipes which require ingredients I don't have. Since you can't buy 1 tablespoon of paprica, I end up buying a whole bottle... and more than I need of countless other ingredients. Meal plans are tedious, boring, and rigid. "I'll just go with the flow," I tell myself. The problem is that going with the flow requires a mastery which I do not yet posses. I need a Paleo diet meal plan because if I don't have one, I'll end up eating unseasoned chicken breast and apples for every meal of every day. That is not sustainable.

You can make a plan yourself or find one online but you need a plan. A goal without a plan is only a fantasy. Map out what you'll eat for the next 1 - 4 weeks. You don't need an exact meal by meal "I have to eat this Tuesday for lunch" but you should have enough meals to get you through. You should also make sure you have enough breakfasts, enough lunches, enough dinners, and enough snacks. Never underestimate snacking. If you don't plan for snacks, you'll either ditch your Paleo diet meal plan immediately and opt for a non-Paleo snack or you'll be so hungry when meal time comes around that you don't stick to the Paleo diet meal plan. You don't want that. Include a variety of foods in case you're just not in the mood for something and make sure you, at least in the beginning, stick with what you know. If you can't prepare, or don't really like, the food you're eating, you won't stick to your Paleo diet meal plan.

Evolve: if humans did it, so can you.

Start with foods you know and like but don't stay there. Gradually introduce new foods into your Paleo diet meal plan over time. Your first week should be only foods you know and love. Your second week, try to eat something new once per day. After that, try to incorporate something new and unusual into every meal. A key component to the Paleo diet is variety. Hunter-Gatherers didn't have the luxury of a grocery store, or even a Paleo diet meal plan; they ate what was available. You need to intentionally branch out in the beginning because we have been conditioned to only eat certain types of food (cereal, bacon, eggs, and toast for breakfast; a turkey sandwich for lunch, pasta or casserole for dinner).

Ultimately, a written meal plan and specific commitment are crucial for your success in converting to a Paleo diet. Hey, if humans could do it before the invention of indoor plumbing, I think you can handle it too.

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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Fat Loss Plateau - 5 Reasons You Aren't Burning Fat

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

Reason #1: Your Are Using Low Intensity Cardio

Fat Loss Plateau - 5 Reasons You Aren't Burning Fat

Low Intensity Cardio has shown the least amount of overall fat loss in every scientific study that I've read. The problem is that it supports a slow metabolism and low muscle mass. This makes it hard to bust through weight loss plateaus and keep your body in a fat loss state. But the real scary part of slow cardio is its effects on beginners! In a study done by the U.S. Army they found that 60-90% of beginners starting a cardio program get hurt!

We've all done it before. You start a running program and go too far too soon and are left with shin splints, knee problems, hip problems and even stress fractures. We need to stop this cycle by strengthening our bodies first and gradually increasing the intensity of our workouts. This allows us to continually advance and break into new levels of fat loss!

Reason #2: Insulin Resistance - The Secret Behind Weight Gain

You don't usually hear people talking about insulin resistance and its connection to weight gain. Insulin Resistance is the cause of Diabetes. While you may not be in danger of diabetes, insulin resistance may be stopping your weight loss goals in their tracks. Most overweight men and women who train with me have trouble losing weight. They workout like crazy and don't lose weight. Most of the time they are building muscle in the first couple months which fuels a dramatic drop in weight as their metabolism sky rockets. But some also have a problem with high carbohydrates and insulin resistance.

If you are doing everything you can to lose weight: eating healthy, working out, lowering stress, etc. And the weight just isn't coming off you may want to take advantage of the Paleo eating style. According to a study by Lund University the paleo diet improved glycemic control (insulin resistance) and several cardiovascular risk factors in comparison to the Diabetes Diet. What does this mean for people suffering from trouble losing weight? It means that the Paleo Diet may be the best diet for resetting your system so you can lose weight again!

Reason #3: Starvation Diets Are Destroying Your Metabolism

The worst diet for long term fat loss is by far a starvation diet. A starvation diet is any diet that lowers your calorie intake too low for long periods of time. Lowering calories over time destroys your metabolism and muscle mass. Leading to skinny-fat bodies with no definition. The worst part is that most people gain even more weight back after stopping the diet! They are losing muscle mass and fat at the same time which lowers their metabolism in the process!

Losing fat isn't just about lowering calories. Its about tricking the body into a fat loss state by building healthy lean muscle, working out the right way, and eating the right foods at the right times.

Reason #4: Never Changing your Workout System

This is by far one of the biggest mistakes in fitness. You have to change your workouts to maximize muscle growth and fat loss. Its simple, if you do something too long your body adjusts to it and no longer has a reason to adapt. But we want our muscles to constantly be adapting so that we can get the fat loss, conditioning and strength we need to have the body we want.

We've all done it. You go to the gym spend 30 minutes on the elliptical, use a few machines, and maybe some free weights. You do the same thing day in and day out and you wonder why you can't lose anymore weight. You need to break this cycle by reaching new levels of fitness.

Reason #5: The Wrong Foods for Fat Loss

A calorie is a calorie right? It may not be so simple. Different foods effect us different ways. Each food actually effects our hormones in different ways. So while you may be able to go low-fat for a little while the complete avoidance of any one nutrient causes hormonal imbalances in your system.

So having a balance of all three is actually the easiest way to eat. People have been eating this way for thousands of years. So throw out zero carb, high carb, low-fat diets and eat a balanced diet containing fat, protein and carbs. Don't get caught listening to the biased media tell you what to eat. Most of the foods they push are full of sugar.

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Saturday, July 7, 2012

How to Choose High Brix Foods Using a Portable Refractometer

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

More or less everyone today knows that eating junk food is bad for your health. Still, some people are eating this junk food. They pay for that hefty price, being sick and diseased. Some people on the other hand claim to eat healthy. Fruits and veggies. These people also get sick as though eating ''healthy'' is not enough.

How to Choose High Brix Foods Using a Portable Refractometer

So, what should one eat not to be diseased? What diet to follow? To eat organic? Raw? Vegan? Paleo diet?

What to choose?

First, lets see why these people eating fruits and veggies still get sick and diseased.

The answer is very simple - because our produce is loaded with chemicals and fertilizers. Especially nitrate fertilizers.

Nitrate poisoning (nitrite, actually NO2) takes place when nitrites change hemoglobin in our blood and it loses its ability to carry oxygen. How long can you live without oxygen?

A lot of people hate to eat ''their broccoli'' but they still do it because it's good for them. But is it? Well, it depends what kind of ''broccoli'' we are talking about.

The answer is yes if we are talking high brix ''broccoli.'' Then what are these foods and how to choose them?

High brix foods have greater carbohydrate levels. High brix foods have greater mineral density. "All disease is the result of a mineral deficiency." High brix foods taste better and are insect and disease resistant.

"Insects and disease are the symptoms of a failing crop, not the cause of it. It's not the overpowering invader we must fear but the weakened condition of the victim."

Animals instinctively prefer high brix foods. The instrument used to obtain a brix reading it's called refractometer.

To choose high brix food and to purchase top quality refractometer click here now.

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Friday, July 6, 2012

Lose Weight With a Paleo Diet

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

It's no secret that American waistlines continue to expand, despite regular headlines about the dire health consequences of excess body fat. We eat too much sugar, refined carbohydrates, junk food, fast food and hydrogenated trans fats. Compare our modern diet to that of our evolutionary ancestors and you'll quickly see why we're putting our lives in peril every time we eat.

Lose Weight With a Paleo Diet

Cave Men Set Our Dietary Genes in Stone

The food we eat every day sends powerful chemical messages throughout our body which directly influence our genes. This happens with every meal, as we switch our genes either toward health or disease with every bite of food. We were never intended to eat massive quantities of processed foods laced with sugar, salt and fat that many people consume throughout the day.

Like it or not, we are a product of evolution and our genes are switched toward health and natural weight loss when we eat a diet similar to our Paleolithic brethren. Information reported in the Chicago Tribune reveals the importance of eating closer to the way nature intended to significantly reduce the risk of disease and drop the excess weight which packs on as a consequence of our poor culinary habits.

It's important to understand the reasons behind the obesity epidemic which keep us from losing weight. Once we understand the powerful genetic influence our diet exerts over fat storage and mobilization in our body, we can make simple dietary changes to achieve our healthy weight loss goal.

Reason 1 - Too Much Sugar and Fructose

As the genes we carry today were being coded thousands of generations ago, sugar was virtually nonexistent, and fructose from fruit was a rare treat which bore little resemblance to the highly cultivated sweet fruit we buy on store shelves today. From a metabolic perspective, our body has difficulty processing the great amounts of sugar we consume, and most is converted into triglycerides (blood fat) and then stored as fat.

Research demonstrates that fructose, and especially high fructose corn syrup used in so many sweetened beverages, has an even more disruptive effect on fat metabolism. Reading nutritional labels is the best way to avoid added sugar. Cut out desserts, sugary soft drinks and sweet snacks, and be mindful of condiments like ketchup which are loaded with sugar.

Reason 2 - Refined Carbohydrates and Wheat

In between meal snacks and junk food can account for up to 40% of our daily calories, and these are typically high calorie foods with no nutritional value. Chips, fries and breads are immediately broken down by our efficient digestive system into glucose which hits our blood stream hard, and ultimately leads to metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance and diabetes. Wheat has only been in our food supply for the last 5,000 years, and genetically we haven't yet evolved to eat wheat based foods.

Wheat is foreign to the body, and causes our immune system to spring into action every time we dine on breads or pasta, resulting in systemic inflammation which leads to heart disease and certain forms of cancer. Replace wheat with fresh vegetables, nuts and healthy monounsaturated fats which promote health and natural weight loss.

Reason 3 - Hydrogenated and Trans Fats

Hydrogenated and trans fats are artificially produced substances designed to boost the shelf life of many foods and appeal to our natural taste for fat. Fat is essential to our health, and one of the biggest mistakes many people make is trying to eliminate it from their diet. Our cells use fat to construct membranes which allow nutrients and oxygen to pass freely. Fake fats don't have the same properties, and encourage disease and weight gain.

Avoid synthesized fats by reading all ingredient labels carefully, and don't fry anything, as this cooking method produces trans fats from overheated oil. Use healthy fats from extra virgin olive oil and flax seed sources, adding them onto your food after cooking to preserve their natural qualities.

Following our evolutionary counterparts may provide an important insight into how we have evolved to eat, and why our present day diet is largely responsible for our declining health and excess weight gain. Our food has a significant impact on our genes, and by cutting unhealthy dietary options we can regain control of our health destiny and lose weight as a natural consequence.

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Why You Should Use Healthy Recipes Cookbooks

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

There are recipes cookbooks to suit just about everyone's cooking needs and wants. Many books are available that include recipes for sweet but altogether unhealthy dessert treats like cookies, pies, pastries and more. There are a wide range of books that include entree choices that can help you plan out your family's meals. Many such books, however, include recipes that are made of processed and altogether unhealthy ingredients, so you really need to pay attention to the ingredients in the books you choose to use if you want to eat truly healthfully.

Why You Should Use Healthy Recipes Cookbooks

Planning healthy meals for your family is a breeze when you use healthy recipes cookbooks. Such books are chock-full of recipe ideas for breakfasts, lunches, dinners, appetizers and even snacks that your family can nibble on throughout the day, and each of the recipes is comprised of only healthy, natural ingredients. You definitely want to avoid any recipes that include ingredients containing high levels of fats, processed sugars and more if you want your family to eat healthfully. Even a recipe containing just one unhealthy ingredient can turn that meal or snack into an unhealthy option. When you take time to choose the right books filled with healthy recipes, you will enjoy access to a wide range of recipes that include only natural and truly healthy ingredients without any unhealthy ingredients to contend with.

It can be difficult to plan great meals for your family that are tasty and nutritious, but you will find that your meal planning efforts are altogether easier when you have the right healthy recipes cookbooks to refer to. Eating nutritional meals that contain only natural ingredients is a great way to boost your immune system, keep unwanted diseases at bay and even maintain an ideal body weight that can have tremendous positive effects on your life and the lives of all those in your family. Spend some time planning out nutritional meals for your family today!

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Monday, July 2, 2012

The American Heart Association 3 Day Diet

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

The American Heart Association 3 Day Diet is a cleansing program that is designed to remove toxins from the body. At the same time, the diet supposedly helps participants lose up to ten pounds in just three days. Despite its name, the American Heart Association has no direct affiliation with this diet plan, and it should be noted that the plan is not generally considered a healthy eating plan.

The American Heart Association 3 Day Diet

The so-called "3 Day Diet" has been around since approximately 1985 and goes by several different names. However, lately it is the American Heart Association title that has garnered the most attention. The American Heart Association 3 Day Diet has a rather rigid menu to follow. The foods that are chosen are meant to boost up metabolism and burn fat quickly. They are also reported to rid the body of toxins, build muscle, and provide dieters with increased energy. Some of the main food choices selected are rather surprising, though, and can be rather high in sodium, fat, and sugar.

The idea of the American heart Association 3 Day Diet is to follow strict meal plans based on the theory that certain foods, eaten in appropriate combinations, will jump start a person's metabolic rate. The total number of calories to be eaten each day totals only around 1,000 to 1,200, and only three meals are permitted. There is no space in the diet for snacks, and the largest meal of the day seems to be dinner. A sample menu might possibly include crackers with cheese for breakfast, canned tuna on toast for lunch, and vanilla ice cream and cabbage for dinner. It also incorporates tea and coffee for a caffeine jolt meant to boost a person's metabolism.

In the end, the misleading American Heart Association 3 Day Diet is not beneficial for a person's heart or other major body systems. It is just one of the many "crash diets" or "fad diets" that aim to help people shed pounds fast. Still, it is a much safer option than weight loss drugs and other fad trends and the plan can be used by those who are desperate to shed a few pounds before a major event. However, the actual weight lost will likely be from water and will most likely not be the ten pound estimate given. Additionally, after the 3 day diet is over, weight gain may result as normal eating habits resume. The diet should not be continued for any longer than three days, though, due to health concerns.

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