Friday, June 29, 2012

Gall Bladder Diet - The Most Beneficial Gall Bladder Diet Plan

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

The gall bladder attacks are often more than painful and can disturb your daily life and general health to a great extent. Despite the cause of this condition you can effectively prevent these outbursts not only through a medication treatment and/or surgery but also by controlling your food intake. You can device a helpful gall bladder diet that will prevent the frequent occurrence of the severe symptoms.

Gall Bladder Diet - The Most Beneficial Gall Bladder Diet Plan

Before finding the exact solution it is worth pinpointing the problem more precisely and in some detail. In the majority of cases gall bladder diseases of all types are caused by an unhealthy gall bladder diet rich in fats, a sedentary lifestyle with little movement and stress. Unfortunately, most of us find it difficult if not impossible to change the latter two for the better - this is just the world we live in. Still, the sudden outbursts of severe pain that can reach up to the shoulder and cause additional abdominal spasms should not be tolerated and treated solely with medications, which often have serious side effects. The additional forms of suffering such as the nausea, diarrhea and the vomiting can literally disrupt your life.

Thankfully you can adopt a specific gall bladder diet that will aid for the prevention of the attacks. This form of home treatment is not difficult to adopt and is relatively easy for you to stick to. Usually you will experience painful outbursts after a meal or during the night when food is being processed in your stomach. The feeling of having had a tasty meal is not sufficient to cancel out the pain and suffering that you experience, but this does not have to happen to you. It is perfectly possible for you to cook excellent delicious meals for you and your family. These can be made with ingredient that are fresh and good for your body and most importantly prevent the gall bladder attacks.

The best gall bladder diet you can adopt is quite simple and easy to implement into your daily life. The first step is to make a list of all the foods and ingredients that can cause an attack and a separate one consisting of those that can be beneficial especially in aiding for the proper functioning of the liver and stomach. These extensive lists should include drinks as well as herbs and spices for convenience. If you make a cooking schedule with recipes that you want to prepare using these ingredients you will stick to the diet more easily. It is best for all ingredients to be organic. You should eat moderate portions of food and try not to use eating as a cure for stress.

You will be surprised for easy and even pleasant it is to go on a special gall bladder diet. All you need is some planning, desire for cooking and a pinch of imagination and you will be able to live without suffering. Soon after adopting the beneficial nutritional plan you will forget all about the discomfort and pain and enjoy your life to the fullest.

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

5 Ultimate Secrets to Flatten Stomach Flab And Get Six Pack Abs

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

OK guys, here are 5 quick and dirty tips as to why you could be going nowhere trying to flatten stomach fat and reveal your abs. I'm going to outline the main setbacks people seem to face and point out some possible solutions to get your waistline looking fit and lean.

5 Ultimate Secrets to Flatten Stomach Flab And Get Six Pack Abs

Read this post carefully guys because I found some killer info that, if followed, will flatten stomach fat and have you turning heads at the beach in no time.

Stop and think... How amazing would it feel to be noticed and even complimented on your ripped midsection?

Cool! Let's rip it up (pun totally intended)

1. You're focusing too much on direct ab excises

I know, I know, it's weird but doing ab exercises alone just isn't enough to flatten stomach fat and get ripped abs. To cut straight to the chase:

Direct ab work doesn't burn fat from your stomach! To have a trim waistline and visible abs, you need to focus on training the whole body to massively ramp up your metabolism and set a good hormonal profile for fat loss. Think squats, lunges, dead lift, pulls and presses - exercises that work across multiple muscles and joints. Two to three sessions a week of those kinds of workouts would be a great start.

2. You're bored with the monotony of standard cardio routines.

Based on everything I've read I wouldn't recommend typical cardio to lose belly fat. Truth is I'm dead against it.

"Huh?" you say. Well, let me explain. Most of the belly fat loss programs out there demand you do ridiculous amounts of steady state cardio - sometimes up to 60 minutes 3 to 4 days a week.

This style of training can harm your results dramatically. Endurance style cardio forces the body to produce a stress hormone cortisol. This hormone causes the body to eat muscle and store fat -bad news if you're trying to flatten stomach fat.

Short, intense cardio is the key. Use intervals of 30 seconds hard then 60 seconds easy for 12-15 minutes to cause a greater metabolic disturbance than traditional cardio while keeping cortisol at bay. In fact research shows interval training is equally effective in strengthening the heart and better at reducing belly fat than traditional treadmill grinding.

3. You're basing your success on a supplement or "fat-loss" pill.

Believe me, around 96 per cent of supplements utter rubbish and do nothing to flatten stomach flab.

This took me years and thousands of dollars to realize. Most supplement companies are in the magic pill business but there just is no magic pill for reducing belly flat. Sorry guys.

That being said, there's the remaining 4 per cent of supplements like fish oil, protein powder and creatine that can work well and don't have to cost the earth. But wholesome, healthy, real food is always the best option.

4. You're basing your success on "ab machine" or "ab gadget".

If you own one of these things I have bad news: you were taken to the cleaners! These machines and gadgets do absolutely nothing to flatten stomach flab. Think about it this way, if they work well then why doesn't everybody have one - why doesn't the local gym have one?

5. You're trying to follow some kind of weird diet.

There are a million (a conservative estimate) different diet methods out there. There's low-carb, no-carb, no-fat, low-fat, Mediterranean, Paleo, The Zone and more. There's a dizzying array of methods because it's easier to sell a diet book if it appears different to other diet books. Nobody wants to buy more of the same so book publishers find zany new diets and publish them - brilliant money maker but a crummy way to eat.

I say keep it simple, quick and easy wherever possible. If you want to flatten stomach fat you need to eat less energy than you're expending, have an appropriate mix of protein, carbs and fat that supports your health and your training. Drink plenty of water. Repeat daily. And don't forget to occasionally treat yourself but not to overindulge.

There you go, 5 killer tips to flatten stomach flab and get your abs showing fast. Hope you liked them.


If you'd like to learn more about how to flatten stomach flab, then please read below:

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Paleo Dining: Eat Like A Dinosaur For Better Performance

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

Many people like to do things in the simplest manner possible. We can call them minimalists. Their typical course of action is to find the simplest way to do things. They may not have a Palm Pilot, checking their email every five minutes. Perhaps they aren't multi-tasking while in the car on the way to work, bouncing between a donut, makeup and their iPod. They just like things simple.

Paleo Dining: Eat Like A Dinosaur For Better Performance

Some people enjoy a dining experience that follows exactly such a mantra. The Paleo diet - eating like a dinosaur - has provided some people with a very simple and calm dining plan that is easy to follow and can deliver some terrific health results.

The late and great Jack LaLanne once famously said, "If man made it, do not eat it!" He was right. Most food made by men is highly processed, contains preservatives, and overall isn't the safest bet if our goal is to be as healthy as possible. Sure, man made food might taste better than something we pick from our own garden. But the fact of the matter is that our bodies spent the last million years eating garden picked food. It is only in the last fifty to one hundred years that this highly processed garbage we call 'food' has taken to the forefront of the world menu. Today's diets are highly toxic in comparison to what we as mammals enjoyed for many years. There is absolutely no way our digestive systems have adjusted to it - hence the many issues from which people suffer.

Give the Paleo diet a shot. You have nothing to lose. Walk through the grocery story and select only those foods which could be picked if you were a dinosaur roaming the earth some 65 million years ago. Pluck a fish from the stream by grabbing a tilapia filet from the seafood section. Walk through the produce section and pick some bananas, apples, and lettuce. Walk down the baking aisle and find nuts. Meat is great - just be sure not to allow the processed versions to make their way into your prehistoric shopping cart!

Any variety of meat, seafood, fruits, nuts, and vegetables that would be readily available in nature, millions of years ago, should be available to you at the grocery store. If it contains enriched white flour, you should not be eating it. If it sits in its natural form and is not made by man, then by all means - dig in!

If you are looking to maintain your existing levels of muscle mass, then Paleo dieting may not be your ideal long-term plan. Without such staples as pasta, you may quickly discover (if you possess a high metabolism) that you're just losing too much weight too quickly. However, if can provide you with a brief escape from your toxic dining habits, then you should give Paleo eating a shot! And if you are not sure, then perhaps a modified partial-Paleo diet will do the trick. Give it a try!

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Do You Want to Be a Stronger Healthier Individual? Then the Paleo Diet Could Be For You!

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

The paleo diet is of course the only way to live your life in a healthy and energetic manner. If you are always tired, lack energy to do the activities that you want to do, get sick all the time, or maybe just don't feel like your age, then possibly the paleo diet could completely change your life for the better.

Do You Want to Be a Stronger Healthier Individual? Then the Paleo Diet Could Be For You!

The best part of the paleo diet is that you never have to count the number of calories that you eat. You just eat the right foods, the ones that nature has intended you to eat until you are full. Simple, easy and delicious!

Now I am going to tell you what the paleo diet is all about and how it makes complete logical sense.

For over a million years humans were hunter gatherers. There is no doubt about that, as history tells us. The foods that were eaten by our hunter gatherer ancestors consisted of a lot of meat, fish and berries, vegetables and fruits. There were no such things as grains. Over this million or so years our bodies evolved to get used to these foods that were consumed.

Then just over 500 generations ago, or 10,000 years back someone came up with the silly idea of creating the agricultural life. However our bodies are not adapted for the foods that agriculture provides. Genetically we have only changed 0.01% but our diets have changed much more rapidly.

Since the change of diet, the health of man has slowly declined as proven by archeological studies.

Our hunter gatherer ancestors were much taller and stronger than the early farmers. They had stronger bones, less cavities and lived much longer without modern day diseases unless of course they were killed. It was hard to find an overweight hunter gatherer, it just wasn't possible if they wanted to survive. Auto immune diseases such as arthritis and diabetes were practically non existent.

Aside from the fact that agricultural revolution brought about a massive destruction in the environment, with the cutting down of forests to make way for land for crops etc. We started to consume foods that we were not genetically adapted to eating such as grains, corn, potatoes and beans. This resulted in a massive increase and spread of autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, allergies and constant lack of energy.

People and communities around the world that are still eating in this natural way, as we are genetically adapted to eating have been seen to have a substantial improvement in health, a massive increase in energy and lean physiques to match.

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

How Easy Is It to Make a Paleo Meal?

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

Paleo meals are very easy to make which is why shifting to this diet is not an extraordinary transformation. Preparing a Paleo meal is not far from preparing a regular meal, the only difference is in the ingredients that you use but once you already have Paleo foods and have gotten rid of what is not allowed in the diet, you will have a much easier time.

How Easy Is It to Make a Paleo Meal?

One of the things making the Paleo diet so easy is that there is no need to count or measure anything. Just as long as your pantry is stocked with Paleo foods and ingredients, it will be just like preparing a usual, traditional meal. Stocking your pantry with Paleo approved foods and getting rid of those that aren't allowed is one way to keep yourself on the track of a Paleo diet. This means that you won't have to resist temptations nor commit the mistake of eating what is not allowed in the diet.

Here are some tips when preparing Paleo meals:

Salads - salads are very easy to make, they do not require much skill and they are really fast to prepare, too. If you want a fresh garden salad, you don't need to cook anything. All you have to do is chop up vegetables, whip up a dressing, toss them together and you've already got yourself a healthy meal.

If you want a meal but you don't feel like a salad is enough; you can grill, bake or sauté some white chicken meat to make your meal heavier. If you want some extra crunch, you can even add some nuts to your salad to add some texture.

Entrees - The possibilities of a Paleo entrée are just as diverse as your usual non-diet entrée. As we have discussed, just as long as you have a Paleo-proof pantry, your culinary imagination can take you everywhere. One of the easiest entrees to prepare that doesn't need chef skills is vegetables with meat, chicken or fish. You can bake, pan-fry, grill; or in the case of fish, steam these sources of protein with some herbs and spices to taste. Then all you need to add are steamed or sautéed vegetables and you've got yourself a meal good enough to be served in restaurants.

Paleo entrees are not limited to only these. You can do as much in the Paleo diet as you can in the traditional culinary world.

Desserts - A Paleo dessert definitely consists of some or a kind of fruit. It can even be as simple as serving mixed fruits with some sauce like berries with wine reduction. Fruits alone are already desserts because they are sweet and can cleanse the palette after every meal. If you find this boring, you don't have to worry because Paleo desserts are just as interesting as the desserts that you find in pastry shops. There are more interesting and complex desserts that you can find in Paleo cookbooks or on the internet.

Paleo recipes are not limited to the ones discussed above. There are recipes all over the internet and in Paleo books as well. As I have said, the possibilities are endless so enjoy exploring the culinary world of the Paleo diet.

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Friday, June 22, 2012

What Did Cavemen Eat?

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

There is no doubt that humanity has made significant strides forward over the years in many spheres of life. The things we consider very normal today would be, to put it mildly, unfathomable for our ancestors who walked the earth thousands of years ago. But life in the olden days was not entirely inferior.

What Did Cavemen Eat?

There are certain practices that one can borrow from early man in order to improve life today. One of these is diet. It is no secret that the world is today plagues by what are often referred to as diseases of civilization. These include diabetes, heart conditions and obesity. And many of these illnesses have their basis on the high processed sugar and processed fat foods that we eat today.

Barring other external factors such as the dangers encountered from living in the wild, the cave man was much healthier than the modern man. The caveman's diet ruled out the need to go through the pains of modern diet programs including detoxification and the taking of vitamin supplements.

So what exactly did cave men eat that made them so healthy? A basic principle to consider when pondering this question is that cave men ate that which was easily within their reach, whether this was wild plants growing nearby or animals that they needed to hunt and catch. They did not have the luxury of long distance travel as we do today and therefore had to make do with what was in their immediate surroundings.

One must also consider the different environments cavemen lived. Those that lived next to water bodies did not necessarily eat the same thing as those that lived further inland. Even the type of water bodies they lived next to was a factor; for instance those living next to salt water bodies such as the sea had a significantly different diet from those dwelling next to fresh water bodies such as rivers and lakes.

There are certain types of foods that we know prehistoric man (looking at the history of man did not eat as their cultivation or inclusion into diet did not take place until after 10,000 BC. Examples of these types of foods include potatoes. Food such as beans that would need a long time to cook can also be safely ruled out based on both the period when man first discovered fire and the sheer length of time it takes to cook them.

The type of food eaten was natural and whole. This compares favorably with modern preparation of foods such as grains where certain parts of each grain as discarded during processing. The grains casks for instance contain vital minerals that enriched the caveman's overall diet, something that one cannot say the same of the processed grain foods of today.

One of the key components of their meals was meat. Now, meat has often been vilified as one of the causes of cardiovascular illnesses and other health complications today. So what was the difference between then and now? The answer lies in the free ranges of man's early days. Unlike today's sources of meat that are literally bred in enclosed areas and sometimes injected with artificial growth stimulants, the animals of yore had the benefit of the free ranges to run about and thus maintained a healthy level of fat.

Fish, a rich source of protein, were the preserve of cave men that lived next or close to water bodies. The cave man also ate wild fruits and berries which contained far less sugar than modern day fruits many of which have been genetically altered. They also ate nuts, yams, sweet potatoes and carrots.

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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Paleo Lunch Options - Great Recipe Ideas

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

Are you having a hard time finding some Paleo lunch options lately? With our on-the-go lifestyle, you might have a tough time finding foods to eat quickly. The best option is to prepare your lunch meals in advance and take them with you to work.

Paleo Lunch Options - Great Recipe Ideas

First, what exactly is the Paleo Diet? It's a diet based on eating the way people used to eat, a way that proved to be clean and healthy. There are no, if not very few signs of illness, disease and obesity from those times and that alone shows the health benefits of going Paleo. The Paleo diet revolves around ingredients such as meat that can be hunted or caught and that is preferably naturally fed. Also you can have fruit, seeds and nuts, eggs, vegetables, herbs and spices, oil, and flour. It may be hard for some people to transition because our bodies are so used to preservatives, artificial flavorings, sugar, glucose and other unnatural food, so start with changing one meal a day. Here are some Paleo Lunch Recipes you can enjoy.

Coconut Based Meat Curry - You have a choice of any meat that's considered Paleo with this dish. It is based on 1/2 a pound worth of meat. For the spice blend, you need:

  • 1/4 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom
  • 1/8 teaspoon teaspoon chili powder
  • 1/8 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground ginger
  • pinch of salt and pepper
  • Aside from that you'll need:
  • 1 medium white onion, roughly chopped
  • A bunch of garlic, chopped finely
  • Jalapenos (you can skip these if you want)

In a pan, sauté onions, garlic and jalapenos in olive oil; after a few minutes add meat and spice powder and mix well. When the spice powder has been blended with the meat and the meat is half cooked (time depends on what meat you're cooking), add coconut milk and let the mixture come to a boil.

Spinach Chicken Salad with almonds, pears and Dried Raspberries - You'll need:

  • A bag of baby spinach leaves
  • 1 diced pear
  • ½ cup of raw almonds
  • ½ cup of dried raspberries
  • 2 Chicken breasts cooked and cubed
  • Pinch of salt and pepper

Simply toss all ingredients together and add some almond oil, and voila!

Paleo Roasted Chicken Breast - Buy 3 pounds of chicken, marinate with:

  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 1 teaspoon dried rosemary
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon coarse black pepper and coconut oil.

You can also add 1 red onion cut into quarters. Mix all ingredients well and roast in a 350 degree oven for 40 to 50 minutes. Delicious and healthy!

Paleo Sautéed Chard, Golden Raisin and Pine Nut - You will need:

  • 3 cups of properly washed and dried chard, sliced
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil or vegetable oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • finely chopped garlic (you can also grate the garlic for a more intense garlic taste)
  • 1/2 cup golden raisins
  • 1/2 cup pine nuts

First sauté the garlic and chard then remove from heat and in a bowl mix in all the other ingredients, simple and fast. There are so many more recipes that are easy to make and above all scrumptious! This is a diet that you wouldn't know was so good and healthy for you, so why continue filling yourself with food that does you no good when you can have it all in a Paleo Diet. Try these Paleo lunch ideas and see if you can't make the switch.

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Man Went From A Paleo Diet to an Agricultural Diet

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

According to anthropological studies the Paleo diet of early man consisted of wholesome foods like: fruits such as berries, roots of plants, tree leaves, herbs, grasses, nuts, eggs, vegetables, fish, meat, seeds, herbs, and plants that grow underground, such as potato.

Man Went From A Paleo Diet to an Agricultural Diet

It is very important to think of not only the evolution of man as a species but also the evolution of food. Somewhere along the way people began to make things like candy, cakes, cookies and other deserts. It didn't stop at desserts. Meats were cooked in skillets full of grease. Butter was added to vegetables and the list of unhealthy things done to food goes on.

The method of cooking today can make a world of difference in healthy eating. For instance, instead of cooking fried chicken on the stove with the food setting in the grease, you can grill the chicken, or cook it in a rotisserie, or you can air fry it in a technically advanced product of today, like the NuWave Pro Oven.

Paleo man ate no wheat, rice or corn. These foods did not exist until farming was discovered. Men went from a Paleo diet and began to plant crops and raise animals for food and changed to an agricultural diet.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are important in the Paleo diet and is one way to get good nutrition. They are a good source of vitamins. Fresh fruit and vegetables are better to eat than canned, because there is no sodium in fresh produce.

When you shop at the grocery store be sure to choose lean meats or the leanest you can find and trim off all fat. The fat from the chicken thigh will need to be trimmed also.

Breads made with whole grain is a healthy choice over white bread.

Fat free dairy products have improved a lot since they first hit the market. Now they actually taste good. There are many items that are fat free margarine, milk mayonnaise etc. Also Soy milk and Almond milk are good alternatives for people who are allergic to dairy products.

Other fat free items that are tasty are syrup, jams and jelly.

Be sure to talk with your own family doctor, or a nutritionist about the Paleo diet and for accurate and up to date information on nutrition. As well as advice about what kind of exercise you can do according to your health and physical ability.

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Monday, June 18, 2012

Banana Diet - 1 of the Easiest Ways to Lose Weight If You Do it Right

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

The banana diet is 1 of the best and easiest ways to help boost your weight loss efforts. It appears there are many versions of this diet... and I also have a version of this diet. A lot of the other versions of this diet just seem plain silly and not very practical.

Banana Diet - 1 of the Easiest Ways to Lose Weight If You Do it Right

Here's an easy to use version that will give you slow, steady weight loss. This is not an extreme diet like you may think.

You may think that the banana diet consists of eating just bananas all day. Wrong! Obviously that isn't very practical or smart. There is just 1 main rule to this diet and another general rule...

Rule #1: Eat 1-2 bananas before each meal... minimum of 3 times a day.

Very simple, huh? Not much to think about. If you eat, you're going to eat 1-2 bananas before your meal. Practical, easy, healthy, and not much to remember.

Before breakfast, eat 2 bananas. Before lunch, eat 2 bananas. Before dinner, eat 1 banana. So you eat 5 total bananas a day.

Rule #2: Eat whatever you want for meals.

This rule is simple... eat whatever you want, just as long as you eat 2 bananas before breakfast, 2 bananas before lunch, and 1 banana before dinner. Obviously eating healthier than normal would help your weight loss efforts even more, but it's not 100% necessary.

Bonus Rule: You can replace 1 banana with an apple before breakfast and lunch.

As mentioned, you can replace a banana with an apple before breakfast and lunch. This is to help relieve possible boredom. Nothing more.

I honestly don't know how much weight you will lose on this or any other diets that use bananas, however you should notice a steady weight loss. It won't be extremely fast, so if that's what you're looking for... forget the banana diet.

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

A High Protein Diet Plan For Healthy Weight Loss

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

High protein diet plans have always been popular with athletes and are now increasing in popularity among regular dieters.

A High Protein Diet Plan For Healthy Weight Loss

While normal people who do not exercise can eat moderately high amounts of protein foods, athletes and people on muscle building diets should eat at least 1 gram per lb of bodyweight in order to build muscle. A high protein diet plan is followed by bodybuilders. Bodybuilding athletes always include a high protein food source in their daily diet.

Whether you need to lose weight or want to build muscle, a diet plan with plenty of protein will help you achieve your goal. Consuming high amounts of protein and low amounts of carbohydrate allow for a slow burning of energy and maintain stable blood sugar levels. This maintains a healthy pancreas and assists in maintaining healthy weight. Whereas diets high in carbohydrates have been linked to obesity, low-carb, diets with plenty of protein have been found to support weight loss.

Protein is the fuel for muscle building. During weightlifting and intensive training, muscle tissue breaks down. In order to rebuild that tissue we need to be on a high protein diet plan. If your goal is fat loss, a high protein diet is also very important. Most high protein diets are also low in carbohydrates and saturated fats. To accelerate weight loss, you need to reduce carbohydrates and lower the calorie intake. A high protein diet plan can help you to do this. The total amount of protein consumed should be spread over 5 to 6 meals throughout the course of a day.

The times of day you eat protein foods is important. Eat protein foods at breakfast, before a work out and for your evening meal. A good higher protein diet plan will include a good, breakfast high in protein. Immediately after a work out drink a protein shake or drink to assist with quick muscle repair. A protein meal (slow digesting form of protein) before bed, might seem strange but it provides a slow release of high quality amino acids while you sleep.

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Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Lemon Juice Diet - Lemon Juice to Lose Weight

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

The lemon juice diet, which deals with lemon cayenne pepper cleaning and lemon juice to lose weight is also referred to as the Master Cleanse Secrets diet, and was introduced to the public in 1941 by Stanley Burroughs. In order to teach the modern audience about the successful detox, Peter Glickman spoke of the diet in his book: 'Lose Weight, Have More Energy, and Be Happier in 10 Days'.

The Lemon Juice Diet - Lemon Juice to Lose Weight

Celebrities Use It

The Master Cleanse diet has been used by many people, including celebrities. Beyonce Knolls is one of the most popular celebrities to have the most luck with the lemon juice program. Beyonce tried to program after receiving a role in the film 'Dreamgirls' as a slim-figured female. She spoke of her success on the Oprah Winfrey Show by stating that she lost a total of 20 pounds in a short time period.

Terrible Toxins

On a daily basis, our body intakes many chemicals and toxins. In turn, this can harm our bodies and cause irritation, such as bowel constipation, body aches and pains, exhaustion, irritability, and other strenuous side effects. One of the largest problems with the toxins is the fact that the body can become obese.

Other body parts that can be affected by the harmful toxins are the:




*Gall Bladder

What Is This All About

The lemon juice diet is basically a short fasting method in which the poisons in the body can be flushed out with lemon cayenne pepper cleaning and lemon juice to lose weight. The recommended time limit for the fasting is 10 days. During this time, the user drinks sea salt water in the morning to help get the bowel moving. This is followed by the lemon juice mixture during the day and then a laxative tea at night.

The lemon mixture is made up of organic lemon juice to lose weight, lemon cayenne pepper cleaning, organic maple syrup, and filtered water. No solid foods can be consumed during this time. Many people find the first two days to be the hardest. They usually have a constant yearning to chew something. Crushed ice can help this. After they get over the first hump, the results will start to show.

All Kinds Of Benefits

There are many other benefits besides the detoxifying of poisons from the body. Many users of the lemon juice diet program have reported a less craving for fast food, as well as a decrease in existing pains throughout the body.

This is due to the fact that there has been a release of pressure and irritation in the nerves and blood vessels. Other users have reported reduced acne and improvement in skin texture.

It is urged that if you want to maintain the weight loss that you accomplish after the lemon juice diet, then you will need to continue a healthy lifestyle afterwards. Keep in mind that a larger percentage of your weight loss will be water weight.

You can keep this type of weight gain off by avoiding foods high in sodium. Either way, you will be very pleased with the Master Cleanse diet, as long as you stick to the recommended lemon juice diet schedule.

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Friday, June 15, 2012

Apple Diet - It Works For Weight Loss, But Beware of 1 Version Of This Diet

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

Ever hear of the apple diet? It's a popular weight loss diet that has numerous versions and spin-offs. A lot of these versions are healthy and work for weight loss, however 1 version you must absolutely avoid.

Apple Diet - It Works For Weight Loss, But Beware of 1 Version Of This Diet

First, why the apple diet works...

A big reason on why the apple diet works has to do with the high water content and high amount of fiber in each apple. The high water content allows you to "eat water" basically. The foods you mostly "eat water" with are generally low in calories, but very filling. For example, a 300-calorie candy bar won't fill you up, but 300-calories worth of apples will.

Another reason why the apple diet works is because each apple has 5 grams of fiber in it. It has both soluble and insoluble fiber. Having a high fiber intake is a big part of successful long term weight loss programs.

The average American only gets about 12 grams of fiber each day. It's recommended that you get 25 grams of fiber each day. I, however, advocate getting 35-50 grams of fiber each day for easy long term weight loss.

There are 2 rules to the apple diet...

Rule #1: Eat 1 apple before each meal

This is the main rule. Very simple, huh?

Just eat 1 apple before each of 3 meals. Nothing more. I won't even tell you to stop eating your favorite foods. Obviously, if you eat a little bit more healthy, you'll increase the speed in which you lose weight... but I won't force you to eat healthier.

Rule #2: Don't forget rule #1

Seriously, there is just 1 rule to the apple diet. However I want to add that I've found that my clients who have tried the apple diet get better results simply by following rule #1 and eating healthy snacks.

That's all you need to change in your diet... eat an apple before each of 3 meals... and eat healthy snacks. You can continue to eat more unhealthy type of foods for your meals. Just don't eat unhealthy snacks!

So, if you want an easy weight loss plan that isn't complicated and doesn't require much thinking on your part, try the apple diet.

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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Paleo Blueberry Muffins - 100% Caveman Approved

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

This Paleo Blueberry Muffins Recipe is 100% Paleolithic and Caveman approved!

Paleo Blueberry Muffins - 100% Caveman Approved

For the people new to the Paleolithic or Caveman diet: The Paleo diet is a diet that gets us back to the basics. The Paleo diet is high in fresh meats, eggs, nuts, and veggies.

Once upon a time, when we were hunters and garthers we didn't have all the processed and modified food we have now. Things such as Pop-Tarts didn't exist, and we were much healthier because of it.

Many of the health issues we have today are directly related to what we put into our bodies. Lack of proper exercise also has its effects on our health. In fact a very large portion of health care cost in the US could be cut out by simply eating less processed foods and getting proper exercise. The Paleolithic diet is a great way to cut out all processed foods from your diet.

Walter L. Voegtlin a Gastroenterologist and author, was one of the very first people to start recommending the Paleolithic diet way back in 1975.

Mr Voegtlin published a book that argued that humans are carnivorous animals and that the ancestral Paleolithic diet was that of a carnivore. Mainly fats and protein, with a very limited amount of carbohydrates.

Since then many more people have come forward to support the Paleolithic (aka caveman) diet. Near the end of the 1990s, many doctors, nurses and nutritionist started to recommend a return the original Paleolithic diet. Which helps people stay away from modified sugars and artificial flavors that have been proven to cause harm to our bodies.

Below is my favorite Paleo Breakfast recipe of all-time, Paleo Blueberry Muffins! Enjoy.

Paleo Blueberry Muffins

¼ cup Almond Flour
2 Tbsp Coconut Flour
2 Tbsp Arrowroot Flour
¼ tsp Sea Salt
¼ tsp Baking Powder
3 Eggs
1 ½ Tbsp Honey (raw)
2.5 Tbsp Applesauce
2 Tbsp Coconut Oil
1 Tbsp Vanilla Extract
¾ cup Blueberries
Coconut Oil Spray

You will be baking your Paleo Blueberry Muffins at 350 degrees so go ahead and preheat your oven.

Combine the flours, salt, and baking powder.

In a bullet, combine the eggs, honey, applesauce, coconut oil and vanilla.

Add the wet to the dry, then fold in the blueberries.

Spray down a large set of muffin tins with coconut oil. Fill each tin (6 total) ½ of the way full (unless you like really big heavy muffins, they go a full ¾).

I add a little something to the top of my Paleo Blueberry Muffins...

(optional but highly recommended)
1 Tbsp Shredded Coconut (unsweetened)
1 Tbsp Sugar (raw) or Coconut Crystals (if you don't do the sugar)
1 tsp Cinnamon
1 tsp Nutmeg

Sprinkle this mixture on top of the muffins before they go into the oven. Then bake for 20-25 minutes.

Now you have healthy and great tasting Paleo Blueberry Muffins.

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Why Our Ancestors Didn't Die From Heart Disease

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

Look, I realize that to some people. exercise is a dirty word. But if you're interested in living a long healthier life, you have got to get off your rear end and do some exercise plus start eating properly.

Why Our Ancestors Didn't Die From Heart Disease

A study published in the journal Lancet showed that even just 15 minutes of exercise each day can increase the length of your life by three years. Those who exercised for at least 15 minutes a day had a 14% reduced risk of all-cause mortality.

Exercise is known to reduce the incidence of high blood pressure, depression, obesity, heart disease and more I know there are no guarantees in life; you could exercise and still suffer from a major illness. But the overall benefits of exercise are just too numerous to ignore.

Researchers have measured the biochemical chemical changes that occur within our bodies when be exercise. They found that the changes in more than 20 different metabolites. Some of these compounds are due to stay slim by helping you to burn more calories and a shared fat. These compounds also help you to stabilize your blood sugar.

Basically maintaining a healthy weight and exercising creates processes within your body that normalizes glucose and insulin levels by optimizing insulin receptor sensitivity. Lack of exercise and excessive consumption of sugary foods can lead to insulin resistance, which can lead to several chronic diseases that can cut years of your life.

Just take a look at two major killers in the USA today - cancer and heart disease. By exercising, you drive down your insulin levels and lower estrogen levels, which helps keep heart disease and cancer at bay. In fact, a report by the Macmillan Cancer Support, argues that at all cancer patients should be involved in 2.5 hours of moderate exercise each week.

Diet Or Exercise - Which One?

While it is important to eat right and to exercise, exercise only accounts for about 20% of the health benefits gained from a healthy lifestyle. The majority of health benefits comes from consuming a proper diet. Going back to a paleo diet, much like our ancestors ate, will help us lead longer, healthier lives.

In the Paleolithic period, about 12000 years ago, our ancestors ate fruits nuts, starchy veggies and lean meat. During this period, our ancestors did not die from cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

But you cannot honestly say this about people in today's society - who die from these diseases daily. And no wonder - modern society has replaced the paleolithic diet with French fries, hamburgers, fried chicken, candy and a host of other junk foods that might taste good but oh so harmful to our bodies.

Besides, our ancestors also led highly active lives too. They had no tv to slouch in front of - they had to hunt and climb to eat and to escape the wild animals that attacked them.

If you want to radically reduce the chances of dying of any one of these diseases, take a page out of the lives our ancestors led. Seriously cut down on processed foods, unhealthy fats and sugars and move that body!

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Food Pyramid - Why This Doesn't Work Best For Fat Loss

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

The food pyramid was first formulated in 1978 by the Danish and adopted in 1992 by the United States Department of Agriculture. 2005 saw a change to the food pyramid to MyPyramid. This new pyramid is very similar to the old one, stating that the majority of the food consumed should come from grains, breads, cereals, crackers, rice and pasta. It states that if you are going to be eating something that has fat in it e.g. milk, to go with fat-free. There is also no real line for oils and fats.

Food Pyramid - Why This Doesn't Work Best For Fat Loss

More and more nutritionists and personal trainers have started implementing something quite the opposite to that of the food pyramid for fat loss. More studies have also shown that the food pyramid lacks aspects that help with losing body fat.

Carbohydrates in the form of grains, cereals, pastas, rice and breads make up the biggest proportion of the food pyramid. These tend to be high glycemic and have high glycemic loads. When consumed, these foods cause a blood sugar spike in the body. The body has to then release insulin to help curb the blood sugar spike and bring it back down to normal levels. If the body's liver and glycogen stores are full, then the excess carbohydrates will be converted to fat and stored in the body's fat stores.

I would recommend eating starchy carbohydrates such as oats, sweet potatoes and pulses earlier in the day. The body's liver and muscle glycogen levels are lower in the morning. The body can handle starchy carbohydrates better in the morning too, due the body's improved insulin sensitivity. As the body goes on, meals should be made up of fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, poultry, nuts and seeds and healthy fats.

The majority of food should come from vegetables and low glycemic fruits such as blueberries etc. Fruits and vegetables are packed with micro-nutrients such as antioxidants and minerals. Fruit and vegetables give you very low calories for the amount you can eat. They tend to be high in fiber, which has a fulfilling effect on the body. The stomach has stretch receptors, which tell the brain when you are full up. This means that you can fill up on micro-nutrient dense foods. Match this with the likes of starchy carbohydrates, where you get a lot of calories per gram of food weight.

Meat, fish and poultry are limited in the MyPyramid. Protein based foods should be the next important food after fruit and vegetables. I have competed in two bodybuilding shows whereby I have reached sub 5% body fat levels. I consumed protein based foods at every meal and recommend these foods should be consumed with every meal. Protein based foods have a high thermic effect in the body, whereby the body has to work harder and use more stored energy to help digest these foods.

Fats and oils that are naturally occurring and added, have a very minimal amount of room in MyPyramid. Fats have been shown in many studies to help the body breakdown stored body fat into a source of energy that the body can use. Meat is high in conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which has been shown to help reduce body fat. Monounsaturated fat, which is in olive oil has also been shown to help the body release body fat and use it as energy. As part of both my bodybuilding nutrition plan, I ate a high amount of fat, about 60% of my daily calorie intake came from fat and I reached body fat levels as low of 3%.

When I suggest using this eating plan to my personal training clients, they seem a bit reluctant as they look at it and find it hard how they are going to be fulfilled by eat. By eating like this, you will automatically eat more fiber, which will make you more fulfilled.

I don't see this as a diet, more just a way of how we should be eating; as close to the ground as possible, eating from what nature can give us, and trying to eat like our Paleolithic ancestors. I tell my clients to try and avoid foods, which have been processed or made such as pastas, breads etc.

By reducing down starchy carbohydrate levels, fat intake should increase. This will give you a much more sustained level of energy release than carbohydrates. Charles Poliquin, one of the most successful strength and conditioning coaches to professional and Olympic athletes, recommends the meat and nuts breakfast. This allows the body to control blood sugar levels and gives you a sustained level of energy. The athletes he trains are some of the best in the world and if they have the energy to get through 30 hours + of training and sport, then the average desk jockey should easily get the energy from eating like this.

Not all clients implement this way of eating as it is quite a different way of eating. Even though they will add in aspects of it, the clients of mine, which completely implement this way of eating, are the ones which see massive results in body fat reduction. They also find they have more energy during the day and during their training sessions and just plain feel healthier.

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Monday, June 11, 2012

Discover Healthy Recipes - Eating the Caveman Way

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

The Paleo Recipe books are changing people's lives everyday just by going back to eating the way our Cavemen ancestors did. Humans have been eating off the land since the beginning of our existence. Eating natural foods from the earth.

Discover Healthy Recipes - Eating the Caveman Way

The Paleolithic diet, otherwise known as the ancestral human diet is not new, in fact, it's the way our ancestors ate for thousands of years before the development of agriculture. The Paleo Recipe books are based on "Paleolithic eating" or "hunter-gatherer eating". The nutritional plan consists mostly of wild plants, vegetables, fruits, fish, roots, nuts and grass-fed pasture raised meats. Because a Paleolithic diet stems from the Paleolithic Age, before the dawn of agriculture, foods such as legumes, grains, dairy, salt, refined sugar and processed foods are not included on the menu.

It wasn't until up to 10,000 years ago during the Neolithic Revolution (the first agricultural revolution) humans began eating foods such as beans, cereals and dairy products. During the Industrial Revolution in the late 18th to early 19th centuries, refined foods, oils, and processed foods were introduced. Since the Industrial Revolution, our food consumption has changed from earth based, natural to processed and canned.

Because of these dietary changes, it has been theorized that by consuming refined foods, sugars and oils, has contributed to the cause for diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, autoimmune diseases and others. In later years, with humans developing more and more of these diseases, researchers have gone back to the drawing board.

We have found that eating natural foods from the land can help you increase energy levels, lose weight, increase your sex drive, improve skin tone, but most importantly, natural foods are a way to prevent the diseases often caused by eating refined and processed foods.

Today, people are more health conscience than ever before. Thus, changing their lives and health by eating more natural foods; foods the human body was designed to consume.

The Paleo Recipe books have grown much more in popularity due to the demand for healthier recipes. For people who want to follow the Paleolithic lifestyle, The Paleo Recipe books contain all the tools necessary to do it. Create simple, tasty recipes your body will crave.

The recipes are given with clear step by step instructions that allow you to create quick, easy meals. The recipe books also include hundreds of easy healthy recipes and the tools to create those fast, simple, delicious dishes.

There are 8 recipe categories to choose from such as snacks, meat, chicken, fish and seafood, soups, salads, omelets and desserts. Easily change your eating habits without having to worry about lengthy preparation.

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Sunday, June 10, 2012

How to Get Rid of Acne With the Paleo Diet With Amazing Instant Results!

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

Have you got acne? You then be familiar with people constantly telling you not to worry and that its just a 'phase' and that it will eventually go away. Yea you might believe that when you are a teenager when a lot of kids have it, but what if your that person who is well into their twenties and still has not got rid of the problem. When are you going to wait until... being bold, old age. Come on!

How to Get Rid of Acne With the Paleo Diet With Amazing Instant Results!

Although acne is not life threatening problem it is a problem that most if not all people who have it want to get rid of. Why because its just disturbing, annoying and just not natural. While we are young it makes the situation worse as it may make you feel awkward in social situations which is not what any teenager wants let alone an adult. It effects a persons self confidence and causes the person experiencing the problem to miss out on a lot of different social activities.

Perhaps you have experienced this... been in a excellent job interview with a face full of disturbing acne?... or perhaps you are out with friends and you feel self conscious of your acne as they are all getting massive amounts of attention while you are being left out.

There are billions of so called solutions to the problem of acne all claiming to be that miracle cure to help treat and get rid of acne, yet non of them ever seem to cause a dent in the problem let alone get rid of it. If this is a problem that you are having and you have tried all these miracle cures but nothing seems to be happening then perhaps its time to change your tactics?

Science has proven that diet is directly connected with acne. Bad diet = acne. Good diet = clear skin. Its as simple as that, but most people are never told that this is the case so never fail to change their diet to help rid them of the problem.

The following four cases are the main causes behind acne:
- the inflammation of blocked up pores.
- excessive amounts of oil produced by the sweat glands in our skin.
- different kinds of bacteria on our skin, some of which infect the blocked pores.
- some skin cells end up sticking together and therefore blocking our pores.

These causes are shown by scientific research to be directly caused and enhanced by the food that we consume on a regular basis. As mentioned above, bad diet = acne, good diet = clear skin.

Having a ton of different benefits the paleo diet has been shown through research to be very very effective in completely finishing and preventing the start of acne. The natural foods that have been allowed in the paleo diet are shown to have a massive positive impact in preventing the four causes mentioned above. The foods that are prevented from being consumed in the paleo diet are scientifically proven to enhance acne.

Implementing the paleo diet will result in the elimination of acne and clean smooth healthy skin.

You have nothing whatsoever to lose from trying the paleo diet. So if you want to completely get rid of the acne that you have been experiencing then take the simple action of changing your diet to consume foods that nature has intended you to eat.

Check out for more information and recipes to help to prevent and remove acne.

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Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Paleo Diet Lifestyle

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

Health is wealth. You are what you eat. These are sayings that you might have heard often enough to know what they mean. But how many people do you know who really take these concepts to heart? Indiscriminate eating can do more harm than good for the body and it is about time that you think about trying out the Paleo Diet.

The Paleo Diet Lifestyle

Everyone knows that you can get a lot of nutrition from eating food, but as another saying goes, too much of anything can be harmful. That is why when you hear the word diet it usually means to limit what you are eating to a bare minimum. This can be extremely excruciating for some people who are used to eating anything that comes their way.

Some forms of diet are all about watching the amount of calories that you take in. This can also be good because you are living not only in a healthy way but also aware of the food that you take in. Unfortunately, not all foods have a label on them and when you have reached your calorie limit for the day early on, you might end up forcing yourself not to eat until the day is done. This can also be a very painful way to be healthy. Often, this is not even healthy at all.

You can also cook your own meals. That way, you are always aware of how many calories you are taking in and you can even control the amount in the food that you are cooking by making sure that you include only low-calorie ingredients in your dish. But how many of you can cook well, and want to take the time, beyond the basic ham and eggs? Also, what if you are pressed for time and you are forced to buy from fast food chains? These are still concerns with this kind of solution.

The Paleo Diet

You might want to ask now what would be a good solution in this case. The answer is the Paleo Diet. But what is it really? It is a way of food intake. It is based on the way cavemen ate.

In prehistoric times, people didn't have the luxury of a microwave and preservatives so they simply ate whatever they found: fruits, vegetables, and meat from the animals that they can catch. That is all they ate because that was all that was available to them at the time.

Some might complain that this is impossible to do in the present age. However, there are many people who are actually doing it. The presence of cookbooks for Paleo Diet is a proof of the success that this has given some people.

Some might get the wrong idea of hunting for their own food in the wild. This is not a call to go back to nature and be wild. It simply means to eat food that has minimal to no preservatives.

Eventually such a way of eating can become a lifestyle and that is when things will get a lot easier for you since you no longer have to struggle to maintain the diet. Some people might see this as hard, but it can actually be very simple.

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Friday, June 8, 2012

The Truth About Anti Aging Skin Care Treatment - A Simple Guide

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

This is an anti aging skin care guide that tells you some key truths you can't avoid:

The Truth About Anti Aging Skin Care Treatment - A Simple Guide

-- Why skin cream works best when you're taking care of your health;

-- What treatments and ingredients are dangerous;

-- What kind of anti aging skin care treatment has shown excellent results in clinical testing.

The skin killers are excessive sun, especially sunburn; smoking; and a diet high in sugar, starchy foods and dairy products.

Now, I'm not a fanatic about the sun. I regularly get some sunshine and fresh air. Sunlight is the natural, free source of abundant vitamin D, which most of us in modern countries are lacking. Vitamin D is essential for good health.

But avoid getting sunburned. That's very important.

Most people, even smokers, will agree that smoking is bad for you. Smoking has been shown to cause aging skin, you probably know that, so no lectures here.

But most people don't know that the food you eat makes a big difference in your skin.

Loren Cordain of the University of Colorado, is a researcher on the Paleo diet our ancestors ate. In many studies, he showed that it's possible today to eat similar foods to our ancestors.

When we do, we can eliminate acne when nothing else has worked. (Dermatologists have been telling people for decades that diet has nothing to do with acne. It turns out those "experts" are dead wrong.)

Just as important -- eating right can reverse aging markers, measured by exact scientific standards!

The foods that make the difference are: lean meats and fish; non-starchy vegetables and fruits; and healthy oils, like omega 3 fish oils, canola oil and olive oil.

The foods that make us fat, diabetic, and struggling with heart disease are the same ones that cause acne and wrinkled, sagging skin. They are refined sugar, fatty meats, dairy products and the starchy foods. That includes milk, cheese, grains, cereals, bread, pasta and potatoes. It also includes most vegetable oils that we used to be told were great for health, like soybean oil, to take the most popular example.

The harsh anti aging skin care treatments include dermabrasion (scraping off the outer layer of skin), chemical peels (irritating the skin so the top layer peels off), and cosmetic surgery. All are relatively expensive, none nourish the skin in any way, all have some nasty possible side effects, and all of them have to be repeated as their effects fade.

I avoid them for all those reasons, and I would be a hypocrite to recommend them.

Some dangerous ingredients, I'm sorry to say, are very common in so-called anti aging skin care treatments:

-- The petroleum byproducts, including mineral oil by any of its names, liquid paraffin, paraffin wax, petrolatum and petroleum. They block pores, encourage acne and rapid skin aging, can cause photo-sensitivity so your skin sunburns more easily, and strip your skin's natural oils, leaving your skin drier than ever.

-- Fragrances are a huge variety of chemicals, many toxic. Many affect the central nervous system, causing irritability and depression. Avoid fragrances in skin creams. A light body spray is much better if you just want to smell nice. It doesn't have to be rubbed onto the skin, which causes much more to be absorbed.

-- Acrylamide, common in skin creams, is suspected of causing breast tumors.

-- Polyethylene glycol (PEG), suspected of being carcinogenic.

There's a more complete list on my website.

What works

The main causes of aging skin are well known and widely studied. Anti aging creams can only work by reversing those causes. The most important are:

-- Loss of collagen and elastin, the key proteins the give skin its firmness and elasticity;

-- Loss of hyaluronan or hyaluronic acid, which you might think of as the "glue" that holds collagen and elastin in youthful, healthy skin.

-- Oxidation damage from free radicals in the skin, when your skin is lacking antioxidants from lack of nourishment.

In fact, every one of those can be reversed.

See my website for some modern ingredients which have shown in clinical trials they actually reverse all the major causes of skin aging and make an effective anti aging skin care treatment.

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Thursday, June 7, 2012

All About The Paleo Diet

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

Over millions of years the human diet has evolved; we began eating foods that existed in nature and transitioned to our current eating habits which is infused with unnatural, processed foods and substances. The Paleo diet, also called the caveman diet, is a hunter-gatherer based diet that can be traced back to the Paleolithic Era. During the Paleolithic Era, agricultural methods of farming were not available; therefore, humans ate what occurred in nature including some meats, fish, vegetables, wild fruits, nuts, and even mushrooms. Nonetheless, Paleo which is short for Paleolithic incorporates the Paleolithic eating habits, thus allowing this diet to bring eating back to its true roots.

All About The Paleo Diet

What Can You Eat While On the Caveman Diet?

Processed oils are not passable. Only natural oils are satisfactory for consumption in the Paleo diet. Olive oil, avocado, coconut, and almond oils are good examples of natural fruit based oils. Ideally, wild game is a pertinent part of the Paleo diet; however, since this isn't the Paleolithic period where everything is wild, lean, grass fed animals are acceptable substitutes.

Water is the only acceptable drink in the Caveman diet. Anything other than water would be considered cheating. Although some dispute that agave nectar is a natural substance available in nature, others disagree and conclude that agave nectar is only an agave based high fructose syrup. The only adequate sweetener is honey. Additionally, seasoning agents like salt, meat rubs, or poultry seasoning are not passable in the Caveman diet.

Alcohol is debatable since alcohol occurs in the fermentation of fruits; however, most Caveman diet experts agree that it is best to completely exclude alcohol from the diet.


Medical researchers and scientists believe that the Caveman diet is the healthiest diet available. They believe that the diet regulates insulin by improving glucose and lipid function. Additionally the Caveman diet also reduces the risk for heart disease. The diet is infused with fiber, which is essential in improving the digestive system and providing remediation for digestive and gastrointestinal problems like constipation and IBS.

Weight Loss

The Caveman diet is high in fiber, low in carbohydrates and exceptionally high in protein. With this combination, the end result is fast and healthy weight loss. Additionally when the Caveman diet is incorporated as a lifestyle change instead of a quick fix diet, residual weight loss is attained while overall health is drastically improved.

Who Should Not Begin The Paleo Diet

Pregnant, breastfeeding mothers and small children would not benefit from the Paleo diet. Due to metabolic changes during pregnancy, the liver cannot tolerate such high amounts of protein. Therefore, in order deter complications during pregnancy, pregnant women should not start or continue with the Paleo diet until after delivery and breast feeding. Infants and small children require iron that is not greatly available with the Paleo diet. Iron that is available in foods like processed cereals are prohibited in the Paleo diet, however these foods contain nutrients that children need. Therefore, the Paleo diet is not ideal for infants and small children.

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The 2 Worst Foods That Make You Fat - One May Shock You

Is The Paleo Diet Healthy :

The 2 fattening foods that I'm going to talk about in this article may actually shock you... most people falsely believe these 2 foods are "healthy".  In all of my years working as a Certified Nutrition Specialist, this usually surprises people when I mention they should consider eliminating these foods from their diet.

The 2 Worst Foods That Make You Fat - One May Shock You

Everybody these days knows how bad trans fats and high fructose corn syrup are for you, so I figured I'd spare you yet another lecture on those... Instead, read on to see a couple foods that may shock you that they may be packing on the blubber.

The first type of food that is often falsely believed to be healthy is wheat products... this includes most breads, cereals, bagels, muffins, pasta, crackers, and so on.  And yes, I am including "whole wheat" in the category of this fattening food.

First of all, a large percentage of the population has some degree of intolerance to the gluten in wheat and some other grains. Full blown celiacs are the most sensitive to it, but what most people don't realize is that the majority of the population was never meant to eat large quantities of wheat.  The human digestive system has never adapted to large amounts of wheat in the diet.

The introduction of wheat into the human diet has only been in the last couple thousand years, and it has NEVER been in such large quantities in the human diet until the last 80-100 years.  This is a small time frame compared to the traditional diet that the human digestive system developed over several hundred thousand years eating a hunter-gatherer diet of meats, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

From my experience with many of my clients, when they heed my advice and eliminate wheat from their diet for 2-3 weeks to see if they start to lose weight and feel better, this almost always makes a HUGE difference.  Many times, they not only start losing body fat much faster, but they also finally get rid of headaches and indigestion that has plagued them for years.  Sometimes even skin problems go away when eliminating wheat from the diet.

The 2nd example of the worst fattening foods that shocks many people because it is thought to be "healthy" is -- fruit juice

Don't get me wrong, I'm not an anti-carb advocate per se... I actually think most fruits are VERY healthy for us. However, we were NOT meant to separate the juice from the rest of the fruit and only drink the high calorie sugary mixture and leave behind the fiber and other beneficial components of the fruit.

When you only drink the juice of fruits (apple juice and orange juice being 2 of the worst culprits in the western diet), you are not getting the appetite satisfying effect of the fiber in the fruit, and you're left craving more carbs.  Also, the fiber in whole fruit helps to slow the blood sugar response when eating whole fruit compared to fruit juice.

Bottom line... overconsuming fruit juices makes you fat.  On the other hand, eating whole fruits including all of the fiber helps you maintain a healthy balanced diet and high nutrient density (as long as the rest of your diet is whole unprocessed foods as well).

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